[ABSTRAK Produksi cat menghasilkan limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun. Jumlah limbah pabrik cat, sebagian besar berasal dari air pencucian peralatan pabrik. Saat ini PT. XYZ, s ebuah i ndustri c at, belum m enggunakan ke mbali a ir l imbahnya unt uk mencuci pe ralatan pabriknya, b elum m engetahui bi aya pe nggunaan a ir ol ahan untuk pr oses p encucian alat dan belum m engetahui peranan karyawannya unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dengan parameter jumlah bakteri, pH, kekeruhan dan T SS di air olahan (air limba h ditambah ba kterisida), menentukan bi aya penggunaan air ol ahan, dan menganalisis persepsi karyawan tentang pe ranan mereka unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penentuan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dilakukan pada 4 sampel selama 9 hari, penentuan biaya penggunaan air ol ahan telah di hitung danuntuk menganalisis persepsi p eranan karyawandilakukan s urvei terhadap 93 responden. Penelitian ini m enghasilkan 3kesimpulan. Kesimpulan pertama adalah konsentrasi optimal bakterisida terdapatpada sampel air olahan yang mengandung Acticide MBS 0,4%. Kesimpulan keduaadalah biaya penggunaan air olahan belum menguntungkan secara ekonomi padasaat ini. Kesimpulan ke 3 adalah nilai persepsi karyawan tentang peranan merekauntuk menurunkan jumlah limbah adalah 4,93 dari 6 skala. ABSTRACT Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.;Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales., Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.] |