[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas preferensi konsumen yang memilih unit hunian padaperumahan hijau di Depok, yaitu Perumahan Telaga Golf Sawangan, TamansariPuri Bali, dan Greenland Forest Park. Setelah melakukan observasi denganresidential image method serta studi literatur, ketiga perumahan tersebut belumsecara holistic (menyeluruh) menerapkan parameter hijau pada perumahannya.Perumahan Telaga Golf telah dihuni 700 keluarga, Puri Bali 700 keluarga, danGreenland 300 keluarga. Peneliti mendapatkan 64 responden yang dipilih denganmenggunakan metode convenience sampling, yaitu 26 responden dari TelagaGolf, 26 responden dari Puri Bali, dan 12 responden dari Greenland. Dari hasilwawancara dan kuesioner dapat diketahui bahwa variabel dengan nilai rata-ratatertinggi adalah kualitas udara lingkungan. Hal ini berarti bahwa hipotesis“parameter hijau berupa luas ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) berbanding lurusterhadap besarnya preferensi konsumen untuk memilih unit hunian padaperumahan hijau” diterima karena RTH juga cukup menjadi pertimbangankonsumen serta kualitas udara yang dihasilkan berasal dari luasnya RTH padaperumahan tersebut.Dengan adanya perbedaan penerapan parameter hijau di setiap perumahan,juga terjadi perbedaan preferensi responden dengan lokasi perumahan yangberbeda. Dari 64 responden, terdapat 4 responden dengan penghasilan kurang dariRp 5,2 juta per bulan (kelas menengah ke bawah), 19 responden denganpenghasilan Rp 5,2 juta hingga Rp 12 juta per bulan (kelas menengah), dan 41responden dengan penghasilan lebih dari Rp 12 juta per bulan. Responden kelasmenengah ke atas memiliki preferensi yang lebih besar terhadap parameter hijaujika dibandingkan dengan responden kelas menengah dan menengah ke bawah.Setelah melakukan kalkulasi biaya dengan metode meter persegi (square metermethod) dapat diketahui bahwa harga rumah dan tanah memiliki harga yang lebihtinggi sebesar 15% dari harga pasar rumah di Depok. Namun konsumen merasabahwa harga tersebut sesuai dengan kualitas lingkungan dalam perumahantersebut. Dengan penerapan parameter hijau pada proyek perumahannya,pengembang perumahan juga tetap dapat memperoleh keuntungan dengan bisamenjual unit huniannya dengan harga yang lebih tinggi walau memerlukan modalyang cukup besar di awal pelaksanaannya. Selain itu, dengan menggunakanbantuan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 17peneliti juga dapat mengetahui bahwa RTH memiliki korelasi terhadap kualitasudara lingkungan sebesar 71,2 %. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the preferences of consumers who choose a dwellingunit on green housing in Depok, namely Telaga Golf Sawangan, Tamansari PuriBali, and Greenland Forest Park. After observing by residential image method,they are not applying the green parameter on their housing holistically yet. TelagaGolf has occupied by 700 families, Puri Bali 700 families, and 300 families inGreenland. Researcher get 64 respondents that selected using conveniencesampling method, i.e. 26 respondents from Telaga Golf, 26 respondents from PuriBali, and 12 respondents from Greenland. From interviews and questionnaires canbe seen that the variable with the highest average score is the environmental airquality. This means that the hypothesis "green parameters in the form of breadthgreen open space is directly proportional to the consumer preferences to choose adwelling unit on the green housing" was accepted because green space alsoreasonably be considered by consumers as well as the air quality comes from thebreadth of green space in these housing.With the difference in the application of green parameters in each housing,there is a difference preferences of respondents with different housing locations aswell. Of the 64 respondents, there are 4 respondents with an income of less thanRp 5.2 million per month (lower middle class), 19 respondents with an income ofRp 5.2 million to Rp 12 million per month (middle class), and 41 respondentswith income more than Rp 12 million per month (upper middle class).Respondents from upper middle class have a greater preference towards greenparameters when compared to middle and lower middle class respondents. Aftercalculating the cost by square meter method, can be seen that the price of thehouse and the land has a higher price of 15% from the market price of a house inDepok. However, consumers feel that the price is in line with the quality of theenvironment in their housing. With the implementation of the green parameter onhousing projects, housing developers also can still get profit by being able to sellthe housing units at a higher price even require substantial capital in the initialimplementation. In addition, by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the SocialSciences) 17 researcher also know that green space has a correlation to theenvironmental air quality by 71.2%, This thesis discusses the preferences of consumers who choose a dwellingunit on green housing in Depok, namely Telaga Golf Sawangan, Tamansari PuriBali, and Greenland Forest Park. After observing by residential image method,they are not applying the green parameter on their housing holistically yet. TelagaGolf has occupied by 700 families, Puri Bali 700 families, and 300 families inGreenland. Researcher get 64 respondents that selected using conveniencesampling method, i.e. 26 respondents from Telaga Golf, 26 respondents from PuriBali, and 12 respondents from Greenland. From interviews and questionnaires canbe seen that the variable with the highest average score is the environmental airquality. This means that the hypothesis "green parameters in the form of breadthgreen open space is directly proportional to the consumer preferences to choose adwelling unit on the green housing" was accepted because green space alsoreasonably be considered by consumers as well as the air quality comes from thebreadth of green space in these housing.With the difference in the application of green parameters in each housing,there is a difference preferences of respondents with different housing locations aswell. Of the 64 respondents, there are 4 respondents with an income of less thanRp 5.2 million per month (lower middle class), 19 respondents with an income ofRp 5.2 million to Rp 12 million per month (middle class), and 41 respondentswith income more than Rp 12 million per month (upper middle class).Respondents from upper middle class have a greater preference towards greenparameters when compared to middle and lower middle class respondents. Aftercalculating the cost by square meter method, can be seen that the price of thehouse and the land has a higher price of 15% from the market price of a house inDepok. However, consumers feel that the price is in line with the quality of theenvironment in their housing. With the implementation of the green parameter onhousing projects, housing developers also can still get profit by being able to sellthe housing units at a higher price even require substantial capital in the initialimplementation. In addition, by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the SocialSciences) 17 researcher also know that green space has a correlation to theenvironmental air quality by 71.2%] |