[ABSTRAK Produk properti perumahan eksklusif (gated community) dalam ruang kotamerupakan suatu lingkungan hunian bagi kalangan tertentu telah menjadifenomena dan tren produk properti perumahan di Indonesia saat ini. Gatedcommunity adalah produk properti yang memiliki nilai lebih karena didesainuntuk keamanan dan kenyamanan (privasi) bagi komunitas penghuni di dalamnya.Namun, bila pengembangannya menempati lahan massive atau sangat luas, gatedcommunity khususnya di Indonesia sering menjadikan bagian dari suatu kotamenjadi tidak permeable dan berproses menjadi terpecah belah (fragmentation).Tesis ini akan meneliti atau mengkaji bagaimana pengembangan properti gatedcommunity dapat dilaksanakan atau terlaksana tanpa membuat bagian kotamenjadi tidak permeable. Teori yang digunakan dapat diuraikan berdasarkanpengertian dari kota yang permeable, gated community, dan pengembanganproduk properti perumahan. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk menjawabpertanyaan penelitian adalah meneliti tahap-tahap pengembangan suatu produkproperti gated community melalui kajian simulasi desain, studi kasus di dalamlahan eksisting.Hasil dari riset simulasi desain pada lahan studi kasus eksisting tersebutmenunjukkan bahwa pengembang tetap dapat mengembangkan produk propertigated community pada lahan massive tanpa membuat bagian dari suatu kotamenjadi tidak permeable dan nilai pengembangan tetap layak. Desain gatedcommunity di dalam lahan massive yang tetap dapat ditembus oleh pergerakanmasyarakat kota dan visibilitas nilai pengembangan tetap memberi dampak positifbagi pengembang dan investor.Kesimpulan dari penelitian tesis setelah dilakukan simulasi desain sangatberkaitan dengan proses pengembangan produk properti gated community itusendiri. Dalam proses tahapan tersebut, pengembang mendesain cluster sebagailingkungan eksklusif komunitas penghuni dan membentuk sirkulasi jalan disekitar cluster tersebut tetap permeable. Sehingga di dalam komitmen kontrakmasterplan, pengembang tetap dapat menyerahkan koridor jalan kepada publikdan mendesain perumahan cluster tetap privat. ABSTRACT Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urbanarea is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that hasbecame a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesiatodays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, becauseit’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, ifthe development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especiallyin Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation.This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated communityproperty can be implemented or executed without making parts of the citybecomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion ofpermeable city, gated community, and the development of residential propertyproduct. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examinethe stages development of a gated community property product through asimulation study design, case studies on the existing land.The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicatethat developers can still develop gated community property product on massiveland without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and developmentvalue remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can stillbe penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development valueremain a positive impact to the developers and investors.The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely relatedto the development process of gated community property product itself. In theprocess of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusiveneighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the clusterremain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments,developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the clusterhousing remain private, Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urbanarea is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that hasbecame a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesiatodays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, becauseit’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, ifthe development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especiallyin Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation.This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated communityproperty can be implemented or executed without making parts of the citybecomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion ofpermeable city, gated community, and the development of residential propertyproduct. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examinethe stages development of a gated community property product through asimulation study design, case studies on the existing land.The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicatethat developers can still develop gated community property product on massiveland without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and developmentvalue remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can stillbe penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development valueremain a positive impact to the developers and investors.The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely relatedto the development process of gated community property product itself. In theprocess of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusiveneighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the clusterremain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments,developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the clusterhousing remain private] |