[Tesis ini menganalisis tentang kapasitas pemerintahan desa dan strategi peningkatannya dalam menghadapi implementasi Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang desa. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga pemerintahan desa yaitu Desa Tutul, Balung Kulon Dan Balung Lor Kecamatan Balung Kabupaten Jember. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan supaya kewenangan desa agar lebih dipertegas untuk mengakhiri permasalahan yang terkait dengan tata organisasi,perlu juga dilakukan peninjauan ulang terkait program pembinaan yang selama ini skemanya cenderung dari atas dan bersifat elitis, sehingga tidak benar-benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan aparat pemerintahan desa; perlu juga adanya pelibatan pemangku kepentingan pemerintahan desa seperti pemerintahan supradesa untuk membantu penguatan kapasitas pemerintahan desa baik dari segi kebijakan, sumberdaya ataupun pendampingan. Selain itu, perlu adanya pelibatan perguruan tinggi dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat supaya dapat membuka dan memperluaswacana baru tentang pembaharuan desa.;This research is analyzing about the capacity of rural government and the capacity building strategy in facing the implementation of Act No. 6 of 2014 aboutvillage. The research held in three rural governments they are Tutul, Balung Kulon and Balung Lor Sub-district Balung District Jember. This research is using qualitative method with descriptive design. The result of the study suggest that the authority of the village should be reinforced to solve governance related problems, it also needs to review the coaching program because the schemes tend to be elitist along this time, so it does not really fit to the rural government official’s necessary; furthermore, the stakeholders of rural government (localgovernments) should be involved to help strengthen the capacity of rural government both in terms of policies, resources or technical assistance. In addition, it also needs to involve the universities and non-governmental organizations in order to open and expand the new discourse about the renewal of the village., This research is analyzing about the capacity of rural government and thecapacity building strategy in facing the implementation of Act No. 6 of 2014 aboutvillage. The research held in three rural governments they are Tutul, BalungKulon and Balung Lor Sub-district Balung District Jember. This research is usingqualitative method with descriptive design. The result of the study suggest that theauthority of the village should be reinforced to solve governance relatedproblems, it also needs to review the coaching program because the schemes tendto be elitist along this time, so it does not really fit to the rural governmentofficial’s necessary; furthermore, the stakeholders of rural government (localgovernments) should be involved to help strengthen the capacity of ruralgovernment both in terms of policies, resources or technical assistance. Inaddition, it also needs to involve the universities and non-governmentalorganizations in order to open and expand the new discourse about the renewal ofthe village.] |