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Dinamika populasi dan optimasi pemanfaatan udang dogol (metapenaeus ensis) de haan 1844) di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya = Population dynamics and optimization utilization of greasyback shrimp metapenaeus ensis de haan 1844 in Cilacap waters / Hasan El Fakhri

Hasan El Fakhri; Mufti Petala Patria, supervisor; Ali Suman, supervisor; Noverita Dian Takarina, examiner; Tuty Handayani, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Terdapatnya upaya tangkap udang dogol (Metapenaeus ensis, De Haan
1844 ) di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang berlebih maka perlu dilakukan
penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi, tingkat pemanfaatan
dan optimasi pemanfaatan udang dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya dari bulan Januari 2013
sampai Desember 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan
pengambilan sampel udang dogol yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap arad dan
trammel net. Analisis dinamika populasi menggunakan program FiSAT II dan
pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan menggunakan model surplus produksi
dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Optimasi pemanfaatan
dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programming terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait
dengan pemanfaatan udang dogol.
Udang dogol di perairan ini memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif,
dengan nilai Lc > Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar udang dogol yang tertangkap
di perairan ini sudah memijah. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan yaitu L∞: 55.8 mm, K:
1,18 per tahun, to: 0,1129, Z: 7,09 per tahun, M: 0,8 per tahun, F: 6,29 per tahun, dan
E: 0,88. Nilai E menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah melebihi batas ekploitasi
dan sudah terjadi overfishing. Pendugaan MSY dan f-Opt sebesar 57 ton/tahun dan
392 unit alat tangkap standar trammel net. Skenario optimasi pemanfaatan udang
dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang paling menguntungkan dan lestari
adalah dengan mengoperasikan 392 unit jaring trammel net dengan keuntungan Rp.
35,2 milyar per tahun.

There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus
Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population
dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap
waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January
2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of
Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis
of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum
sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine
the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear
Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback
Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative
allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp
caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value
of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year,
M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the
utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus
production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for
and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of
Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and
sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2
billion per year, There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus
Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population
dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap
waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January
2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of
Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis
of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum
sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine
the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear
Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback
Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative
allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp
caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value
of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year,
M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the
utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus
production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for
and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of
Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and
sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2
billion per year]

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No. Panggil : T44433
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 71 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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