[Pengembangan infrastruktur jaringan pipa gas dengan model spasial bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pelayanan gas dan menemukan lokasi optimal potensi pengguna bahan bakar gas di Kabupaten Bekasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kombinasi menggunakan metode kuantitatif seperti nearest neighbor analysis, matrik jarak, model Huff serta aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) sebagai alat analisis. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi pengembangan pelayanan pengguna bahan bakar gas memiliki kecenderungan pola yang serupa dengan pelayanan jaringan pipa gas yang telah ada, karena posisi pengguna gas terletak di lingkungan Kawasan Industri sehingga polanya mengikuti tarikan pasar ke wilayah-wilayah pertumbuhanindustri. Peluang pengembangan terkonsentrasi di kecamatan yang memiliki karakteristik (a) topografi wilayah datar, (b) jaringan jalan rapat, (c) jumlah potensi sektor pengguna tinggi, (d) memiliki demand volume gas yang tinggi, dan (e) hambatan relatif yang kecil. Secara spasial, pengembangan jaringan pipa gas diprediksi akan meluas ke wilayah pinggirannya, terutama ke arah selatan. Wilayah-wilayahtersebut antara lain kecamatan; Cikarang Selatan, Setu, Serang Baru danCibarusah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh, kondisi arah selatan Kabupaten Bekasi memiliki akses yang lebih potensial daripada wilayah lainnya dan merupakan wilayah pusat pertumbuhan permukiman yang secara geografis dekat dengan Kabupaten Bogor.;The development of gas pipelines infrastructure with spatial models aims to determine the distribution of pipeline pattern and find the optimal location ofpotential users of gas fuel in Districs Bekasi. This study is applies combination of quantitative methods such as nearest neighbor analysis, distance matrix, Huff models as well as the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as an analytical tool. The results showed that the potential development of gas fuel service users have a tendency pattern in line with network services existing gas pipeline, because the position of the gas users located in the Industrial Area so that the pattern follows the pull of the market (market driven) into the areas ofindustrial growth. Development opportunities are concentrated in districts that have characteristics (a) the topography is flat, (b) road network meetings, (c) the number of potential high user sector, (d) have a high volume of gas demand, and (e) barriers are relatively small. Spatially, the development of gas pipeline is expected to extend into the rim area, particularly to the south. These regions include districts; South Cikarang, Setu, New Serang and Cibarusah. It is caused byconditions southward Bekasi District has access to more potential than other regions and the central region of the growth of the settlements that are geographically close to the Bogor Regency., The development of gas pipelines infrastructure with spatial models aims todetermine the distribution of pipeline pattern and find the optimal location ofpotential users of gas fuel in Districs Bekasi. This study is applies combination ofquantitative methods such as nearest neighbor analysis, distance matrix, Huffmodels as well as the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) asan analytical tool. The results showed that the potential development of gas fuelservice users have a tendency pattern in line with network services existing gaspipeline, because the position of the gas users located in the Industrial Area so thatthe pattern follows the pull of the market (market driven) into the areas ofindustrial growth. Development opportunities are concentrated in districts thathave characteristics (a) the topography is flat, (b) road network meetings, (c) thenumber of potential high user sector, (d) have a high volume of gas demand, and(e) barriers are relatively small. Spatially, the development of gas pipeline isexpected to extend into the rim area, particularly to the south. These regionsinclude districts; South Cikarang, Setu, New Serang and Cibarusah. It is caused byconditions southward Bekasi District has access to more potential than otherregions and the central region of the growth of the settlements that aregeographically close to the Bogor Regency.] |