[ABSTRAK Tesis ini mendiskusikan tentang bagaimana perempuan agensi mengelola faktorfaktoryang bersifat struktural dan kultural yang mendukung dan menghambatkeagensiannya pada saat konflik dan pasca konflik. Studi sebelumnya telahmembuktikan bahwa dalam situasi konflik perempuan mampu memunculkankeagensiannya. Namun dari studi yang telah ada umumnya tidak membahassecara komprehensif bagaimana keagensian tersebut bekerja dan apa faktor-faktorstruktural dan kultural yang mendukung maupun yang menghambat keagensianperempuan saat dan pasca konflik.Tesis ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitataif dengan mengambil studi kasus diKabupaten Poso Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Pemilihan Kabupaten Posodidasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa Poso dikenal sebagai wilayah yang pernahmengalami konflik. Beberapa tahun terakhir situasi damai terjadi di Poso,berangsung-angsur masyarakat Poso termasuk perempuan mulai menatakehidupannya kembali. Gejala yang terjadi di Poso ini dinilai oleh peneliti dapatmengungkap permasalahan dan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian.Argumentasi penelitian ini adalah bahwa perempuan dalam situasi konflik satusisi dihadapkan persoalan yang sulit, namun, di sisi lain perempuan juga mampumenjadi agensi. Studi ini menggunakan ‘Analisis Archer membedakan Agen danStruktur dengan pendekatan Morphogenesis’. Analisis morphogenesis Archermenjelaskan bekerjanya ‘keagensian’ yang saling mempengaruhi dengan kultur(struktur) melalui tiga tahap, yaitu: (1) Structural conditioning, yang merujukpada struktur sebelumnya yang mengkondisikan namun tidak menentukan; (2)Social interaction, yang muncul dari tindakan yang berorientasi pada realitas dankebutuhan yang berasal dari agen dan mengarah pada dua hal; yakni (3) Structuralelaboration atau reproduction, yaitu sebuah perubahan dalam hubungan dalamsebuah sistem sosial. memungkinkan menghasilkan konfigurasi sosio-kultur yang memiliki sifatperubahan dari agen.Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa saat dan pasca konflik perubahankonfigurasi sosio-kultur yang terjadi adalah konfigurasi sosio-kultur yangmemiliki sifat perubahan dari agen primer (passive agents) menuju lebih banyaklagi kumpulan agen (active agents). Active agents yang dimaksud adalahkumpulan agen-agen yang terorganisir yang berusaha ke luar dari batas-batasstruktur dan sistem kultur serta sosio-kultur yang ada menuju ‘we’ bersama-samaberusaha untuk mengubah struktur yang ada tersebut atau dengan kata lainmentransformasikan dirinya untuk tujuan mencapai perubahan sosial yangtransformatif. Di dalam perubahan sosial yang transformatif sebagai hasil dariformasi siklus morphogenesis (morphogenetic cycles) maka peran baru akandiciptakan hingga terjadi posisi baru dimana akan lebih banyak lagi agen yangterlibat. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses how women's agency manage structural and culturalfactors that enable and contrains agency during conflict and post-conflict.Previous studies have shown that in conflict situations women are able to emergedtheir agency. However, the existing studies generally do not discusscomprehensively how it works and what is the structural factors and cultural thatsupport or obstruct women agency during and after conflict.This thesis is the result of qualitative research on a case study in Poso,Central Sulawesi Province. Poso district election based on the consideration thatthe Poso region once known as a conflict area. The last few years the people ofposo have living in peace, Poso community gradually including women began toorganize their lives back. According to the researcher it is useful to examine thephenomenon that accurs in Poso to uncover problems and answer researchquestions.The argument of this study is women in conflict situations, encountereddifficult situation, but on the other hand women also capable of being the agency.This study uses ‘Archer’s analysis of Agen-Structure: the morphogeneticapproach’. The Archer’s analysis is explained the agency works interplay withculture (structure) through three stages: (1) Structural conditioning, which refersto the previous structure, but does not specify; (2) Social interaction, whichemergence from the actions oriented to the realities and needs and leads to twothings; are (3) Structural elaboration or reproduction, is a change in therelationship in a social system.At the stage of social interaction, agency works begins with theemergence of self-consciousness, then the emergence of personal identity andcontinued to the emergence of social identity. The third stage enables generatingsocio-cultural configurations which have the changing nature of the agent.The research findings showed socio-cultural configuration changes thatoccur during and post-conflict changing nature of the primary agent (passiveagents) into collection agents (active agents). Active agents are organized agent,that attempted to exit outside of the confines of existing structure and socioculturesystems and culture that exist towards 'we' and jointly try to change theexisting structure, or in other words to transform itself to achieve a transformativesocial change. In transformative social change as a resulted of the formation cycle of morphogenesis (morphogenetic cycles) then the new role will be created untilthere is a new position emerge and involving more agents., This thesis discusses how women's agency manage structural and culturalfactors that enable and contrains agency during conflict and post-conflict.Previous studies have shown that in conflict situations women are able to emergedtheir agency. However, the existing studies generally do not discusscomprehensively how it works and what is the structural factors and cultural thatsupport or obstruct women agency during and after conflict.This thesis is the result of qualitative research on a case study in Poso,Central Sulawesi Province. Poso district election based on the consideration thatthe Poso region once known as a conflict area. The last few years the people ofposo have living in peace, Poso community gradually including women began toorganize their lives back. According to the researcher it is useful to examine thephenomenon that accurs in Poso to uncover problems and answer researchquestions.The argument of this study is women in conflict situations, encountereddifficult situation, but on the other hand women also capable of being the agency.This study uses ‘Archer’s analysis of Agen-Structure: the morphogeneticapproach’. The Archer’s analysis is explained the agency works interplay withculture (structure) through three stages: (1) Structural conditioning, which refersto the previous structure, but does not specify; (2) Social interaction, whichemergence from the actions oriented to the realities and needs and leads to twothings; are (3) Structural elaboration or reproduction, is a change in therelationship in a social system.At the stage of social interaction, agency works begins with theemergence of self-consciousness, then the emergence of personal identity andcontinued to the emergence of social identity. The third stage enables generatingsocio-cultural configurations which have the changing nature of the agent.The research findings showed socio-cultural configuration changes thatoccur during and post-conflict changing nature of the primary agent (passiveagents) into collection agents (active agents). Active agents are organized agent,that attempted to exit outside of the confines of existing structure and socioculturesystems and culture that exist towards 'we' and jointly try to change theexisting structure, or in other words to transform itself to achieve a transformativesocial change. In transformative social change as a resulted of the formation cycle of morphogenesis (morphogenetic cycles) then the new role will be created untilthere is a new position emerge and involving more agents.] |