[Pemberian kredit oleh perbankan membutuhkan dukungan kepastian hukum yangsetidaknya meliputi kepastian mengenai bentuk pengikatan jaminan yang dapatdilakukan, kelengkapan lembaga yang mendukung pelaksanaan pengikatanjaminan tersebut, kedudukan bank selaku kreditor pemegang jaminan, Pokokpermasalahan yang dibahas adalah bagaimanakah kedudukan kreditor dalampembebanan kepentingan internasional atas obyek pesawat udara yang timbulakibat perjanjian pemberian hak jaminan kebendaan, serta bagaimanakahperlindungan terhadap kreditor pemegang kepentingan internasional atas obyekpesawat udara yang timbul akibat perjanjian pemberian hak jaminan kebendaan.Penulisan Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan datasekunder sebagai sumber data utama yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan.Dalam melakukan analisa, sumber hukum primer utama yang digunakan adalahUndang-undang Nomor 1 tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan, Kitab Undang-undangHukum Perdata (Burgerlijke Wetboek), Undang-undang Nomor 4 tahun 1996tentang Hak Tanggunan Atas Tanah Beserta Benda-benda Yang BerkaitanDengan Tanah, Undang-undang Nomor 42 tahun 1999 tentang Jaminan Fidusia,Walaupun UU Penerbangan telah menyatakan bahwa pembebanan kepentinganinternasional atas obyek pesawat udara yang timbul dari perjanjian pemberian hakjaminan kebendaan menimbulkan hak prioritas kepada penerimanya, pengaturandalam UU Penerbangan masih menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai kedudukankreditor yang menerima pembebanan kepentingan internasional tersebut untukmenjamin utang atau kredit yang diberikannya, karena peraturan perundangundangantidak memberikan penjelasan mengenai bentuk hak jaminan kebendaanyang dapat digunakan dalam perjanjian pemberian hak jaminan kebendaanberdasarkan UU PenerbanganPenulisan Tesis ini memiliki tujuan untukmemperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut The extension of credit by banks, requires the support of at least the legalcertainty which includes certainty about the form of security that can beexercised, the avalibility of institutions that support the implementation of theexecution of the security, the position of the bank as creditor holders of collateral,The subject matter discussed herein, is how the position of creditors in theimposition of international interest on aircraft object arising from the securityagreement, as well as how is the protection of the interests of creditor as theholders of international interest againts aircraft arising from the securityagreement. The wiriting of this thesis use a normative juridical research approachwith secondary data as the primary data source obtained through libraryresearch. In conducting the analysis, the main source of primary law used is LawNo. 1 of 2009 on Aviation, Code of Civil Law (Burgerlijke Wetboek), Law No. 4 of1996 on the Hak Tanggungan, Law No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary, Although theAviation Law has stated that the imposition of international interest on aircraftobject arising from the security agreement granting the right of priority to therecipient, the regulation in the Aviation Law still raises questions about theposition creditors who receive the imposition of international interest arising fromsecurity agreement for guaranteeing a debt or credit that it provides, because thelegislation does not define the form of security interest that might be used in the inthe security agreement under the Aviation Law. The writing of this thesis has theaim to obtain answers to these problems. , The extension of credit by banks, requires the support of at least the legalcertainty which includes certainty about the form of security that can beexercised, the avalibility of institutions that support the implementation of theexecution of the security, the position of the bank as creditor holders of collateral,The subject matter discussed herein, is how the position of creditors in theimposition of international interest on aircraft object arising from the securityagreement, as well as how is the protection of the interests of creditor as theholders of international interest againts aircraft arising from the securityagreement. The wiriting of this thesis use a normative juridical research approachwith secondary data as the primary data source obtained through libraryresearch. In conducting the analysis, the main source of primary law used is LawNo. 1 of 2009 on Aviation, Code of Civil Law (Burgerlijke Wetboek), Law No. 4 of1996 on the Hak Tanggungan, Law No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary, Although theAviation Law has stated that the imposition of international interest on aircraftobject arising from the security agreement granting the right of priority to therecipient, the regulation in the Aviation Law still raises questions about theposition creditors who receive the imposition of international interest arising fromsecurity agreement for guaranteeing a debt or credit that it provides, because thelegislation does not define the form of security interest that might be used in the inthe security agreement under the Aviation Law. The writing of this thesis has theaim to obtain answers to these problems. ] |