[Penelitian tesis ini dilakukan di kantor PT XYZ, sebuah perusahaan energi terhadap karyawan talent PT XYZ, dengan responden sebanyak 105 orang. Tingginya tingkat turnover talent PT XYZ, mempengaruhi efektifitas jalannya organisasi PT XYZ, karena membuat kondisi kerja tidak stabil, menurunnya produktifitas karyawan dan suasana kerja yang tidak produktif. Sehingga memerlukan suatu intervensi untuk menurunkan intention to leave karyawan talent melalui pendekatan aktivitas knowledge sharing. Intervensi ini disusun secara bertahap dengan difokuskan kepada Technostructural Intervention, dan Human Resources Management Intervention.Aktivitas knowledge sharing inidilakukan oleh atasan langsung setingkat manager, karyawan talent dan karyawan non talent. Aktivitas knowledge sharing tersebut menggunakan pendekatan SECI, double loop learning.; This research was conducted at PT XYZ, a energy company, focuses on talentemployees of PT XYZ, with 105 respondents. A high talent employee turnover rate atPT XYZ negatively affects the effectiveness of PT XYZ, as it causes the unstable working condition, low employee productivity, and unproductive working environment. Therefore, it need an appropriate intervention using knowledge sharing approach to decrease the intention of the talent employee to quit. The intervention is conducted phase by phase, and mainly focuses on technostructural intervention and human resource management intervention. Theknowledge sharing activity will be carried out by managers of talent employees and non talent employees. The knowledge sharing activity uses SECI approach and double loop learning., This research was conducted at PT XYZ, a energy company, focuses on talentemployees of PT XYZ, with 105 respondents. A high talent employee turnoverrate atPT XYZ negatively affects the effectiveness of PT XYZ, as it causes theunstable working condition, low employee productivity, and unproductive workingenvironment. Therefore, it need an appropriate intervention using knowledgesharing approach to decrease the intention of the talent employee to quit.The intervention is conducted phase by phase, and mainly focuses ontechnostructural intervention and human resource management intervention. Theknowledge sharing activity will be carried out by managers of talent employeesand non talent employees. The knowledge sharing activity uses SECI approachand double loop learning.] |