[ABSTRAK Seiring perkembangannya, tasawuf dikenal melahirkan istilah-istilah baru.Diantaranya adalah istilah syathaẖāt yang merupakan ungkapan ekstase yang lahirakibat goncangan spiritual di dalam diri seorang sufi. Ungkapan mengejutkan sufiini menuai pro dan kontra dari para sufi sendiri.Diantaranya adalah Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi dan Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali. Ungkapan para sufi ini telah dibahas oleh keduanya di dalam Al-Luma’dan Ihya Ulumiddin.Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam tesis ini adalah penelitianpustaka (library research) yang bersifat deskriptif-analitik-kualitatif. Ruanglingkup penelitian dibatasi pada syathaẖāt atau ungkapan ekstase sebagai objekpenelitian serta pandangan kedua tokoh di atas sebagai unit analisis. Sedangkanmetode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penelahaan bahan-bahan pustakabaik yang terdiri dari bahan-bahan yang bersifat primer maupun sekunder, danmetode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis dari Milesdan Huberman, serta tahap-tahap penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakanmetode Bogdan, yaitu tahap pra lapangan, tahab kegiatan, dan tahap analisis data.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pandangan antarakeduanya yang dilatar belakangi perbedaan keadaan sosial dan kehidupanintelektual. Namun keduanya juga memiliki kesamaan tujuan, yakni berusahamenjelaskan hakikat tasawuf yang sesuai dengan ajaran syariat. ABSTRACT By the time, Sufism known by a lot of new terms. It’s called syathaḫāt which means an ecstatic expression that overflows as a result of ecstatic power in sufi’s hearts. This shocking expression takes a lot of views.It’s Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali views. This terms has been discused by both of them.The type of the research used by the writer is considered as library research, and then the research design of this study also regards as descriptive- analitics-qualitative. The scope of this research is based on syathaḫāt as the object of the research, along with Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al- Ghazali’s views as analysis units. Afterward, the methods used to collect the data were done by doing library research that consists of primary and secondary data. Besides, the analysis methods of this research used Miles and Huberman analysis models. Moreover, the stages of this research use Bogdan Methods, which are pre-field, working level and analyzing phase.The results of this research show the difference view of Abu Nashr As- Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali due to they differences in social and intelectual life. But both of them have a common goal, that’s to explain the essence of Sufism in accordance with the teaching of sharia., By the time, Sufism known by a lot of new terms. It’s called syathaḫāt which means an ecstatic expression that overflows as a result of ecstatic power in sufi’s hearts. This shocking expression takes a lot of views.It’s Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali views. This terms has been discused by both of them.The type of the research used by the writer is considered as library research, and then the research design of this study also regards as descriptive- analitics-qualitative. The scope of this research is based on syathaḫāt as the object of the research, along with Abu Nashr As-Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al- Ghazali’s views as analysis units. Afterward, the methods used to collect the data were done by doing library research that consists of primary and secondary data. Besides, the analysis methods of this research used Miles and Huberman analysis models. Moreover, the stages of this research use Bogdan Methods, which are pre-field, working level and analyzing phase.The results of this research show the difference view of Abu Nashr As- Sarraj At-Thusi and Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali due to they differences in social and intelectual life. But both of them have a common goal, that’s to explain the essence of Sufism in accordance with the teaching of sharia.] |