[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai pertentangan antara ketentuan dalam asuransisyariah tentang penerima manfaat asuransi jiwa syariah dengan ketentuan pembagianwaris dalam hukum waris Islam. Dalam asuransi jwa syariah, penerima manfaat uangsantunan asuransi jiwa bila tertanggung meninggal telah ditunjuk sebelumnya dantercantum dalam polis, sedangkan ketentuan waris Islam menyatakan pembagianharta dari seseorang yang telah meninggal telah diatur di dalam al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif tentang asuransi jiwa syariahdan hukum waris islam, dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitianini adalah melalui penelitian kepustakaan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa polis asuransi jiwa syariah dapat dinilaisebagai wasiat sehingga uang santunan asuransi jiwa syariah menjadi milik penerimamanfaat, selama tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan wasiat dalam KHI. Kedudukanhukum ahli waris yang tidak tercantum dalam polis asuransi jwa syariah tetaplahsebagai ahli waris yang memiliki hak waris sehingga bila polis asuransi jiwa syariahtidak sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam KHI, ahli waris tersebut berhak atas uangsantunan. Dengan ketentuan yang ada saat ini mengenai asuransi jiwa syariah,pemberian asuransi kepada penerima manfaat meski menggangu hak ahli waris lainadalah terpenuhinya prestasi dan tidak menimbulkan akibat hukum apapun kecualidosa di mata Allah SWT.Ketentuan mengenai asuransi jiwa syariah saat ini masih belum sesuai denganketentuan hukum waris Islam, sedangkan waris merupakan hak bagi umat Islam yangdilindungi oleh pasal 29 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Selain itu, karena uangsantunan asuransi jiwa syariah berkaitan dengan kematian seseorang dansebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 tahun 2006 tentang Perubahanatas Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama, bagi umat Islamdi Indonesia wajib melakukan pembagian waris berdasarkan hukum waris Islam.Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah seharusnya membuat Undang-Undang khusus mengenaiAsuransi Syariah yang disesuaikan dengan hukum Islam lainnya, khususnya hukumwaris Islam. Meski belum ada peraturan mengenai asuransi syariah ini, kontrakasuransi syariah yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam masih bisa dibuat karena hukumperjanjian di Indonesia mengenai asas kebebasan berkontrak, maka perusahaanasuransi dan nasabah asuransi jiwa syariah bisa membuat kontrak asuransi yangisinya sesuai dengan syariah. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the conflict between determination of the beneficiaries ofislamic life insurance and the distribution of property in Islamic law of inheritance. Inthe islamic life insurance, the beneficiary of islamic life insurance compensationmoney when the insured dies has been appointed earlier and listed in the policy, whilethe provisions of Islamic inheritance declare the division of property of someone whohas died has been set up in the al-Quran and al-Hadith. This research is a normativelaw on life islamic insurance and Islamic inheritance law, and data collection toolsused in this research is through literature research.The results showed that islamic life insurance policy can be assessed as atestament. So the islamic life insurance compensation money belongs to thebeneficiaries, as long as not contrary to the provisions of a will in KHI. The legalposition of heirs who are not listed in the policy of islamic life insurance remains asan heir who has the right of inheritance so that when the policy of islamic lifeinsurance is not in accordance with the provisions of KHI, these heirs shall be entitledto compensation. With the existing provisions regarding islamic life insurance,providing insurance to beneficiaries despite another heir is the fulfillment ofachievement and not cause any legal consequences except sin in the Eyes of Allah.Provisions concerning islamic life insurance is still not in accordance with theprovisions of Islamic law. Meanwhile, inheritance is the right of Muslims who areprotected by article 29 of the Constitution of 1945. In addition, because thecompensation money islamic life insurance related to the death of a person and asmandated by Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Amendment to Act Number 7 1989Religious Courts for Muslims in Indonesia are required to conduct the division ofinheritance based on Islamic law. Therefore, the government should create a specificlaw regarding Takaful adapted to Islamic law, in particular the Islamic inheritancelaw. Although there is no regulation regarding this Islamic insurance, Takafulcontract in accordance with Islamic law can still be made because of the law ofcontract in Indonesia on the principle of freedom of contract, the insurance companyand the customer can make an islamic life insurance contract whose contents inaccordance with sharia, This thesis discusses the conflict between determination of the beneficiaries ofislamic life insurance and the distribution of property in Islamic law of inheritance. Inthe islamic life insurance, the beneficiary of islamic life insurance compensationmoney when the insured dies has been appointed earlier and listed in the policy, whilethe provisions of Islamic inheritance declare the division of property of someone whohas died has been set up in the al-Quran and al-Hadith. This research is a normativelaw on life islamic insurance and Islamic inheritance law, and data collection toolsused in this research is through literature research.The results showed that islamic life insurance policy can be assessed as atestament. So the islamic life insurance compensation money belongs to thebeneficiaries, as long as not contrary to the provisions of a will in KHI. The legalposition of heirs who are not listed in the policy of islamic life insurance remains asan heir who has the right of inheritance so that when the policy of islamic lifeinsurance is not in accordance with the provisions of KHI, these heirs shall be entitledto compensation. With the existing provisions regarding islamic life insurance,providing insurance to beneficiaries despite another heir is the fulfillment ofachievement and not cause any legal consequences except sin in the Eyes of Allah.Provisions concerning islamic life insurance is still not in accordance with theprovisions of Islamic law. Meanwhile, inheritance is the right of Muslims who areprotected by article 29 of the Constitution of 1945. In addition, because thecompensation money islamic life insurance related to the death of a person and asmandated by Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Amendment to Act Number 7 1989Religious Courts for Muslims in Indonesia are required to conduct the division ofinheritance based on Islamic law. Therefore, the government should create a specificlaw regarding Takaful adapted to Islamic law, in particular the Islamic inheritancelaw. Although there is no regulation regarding this Islamic insurance, Takafulcontract in accordance with Islamic law can still be made because of the law ofcontract in Indonesia on the principle of freedom of contract, the insurance companyand the customer can make an islamic life insurance contract whose contents inaccordance with sharia] |