ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Gangguan diluar pendengaran yang disebabkan oleh bising adalah stres kerja. Dimana intensitas bising yang masih dibawah NAB dapat menimbulkan persepsi stres kerja pada sebagian orang, hal inilah yang disebut sebagai bising subyektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan bising subyektif dengan persepsi stres pekerja menggunakan skor skala persepsi stres atau Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) serta faktor-faktor lain pada pekerja PT K di Jakarta.Metode penelitian: Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang dengan sampel purposif pada pekerja PT K di Jakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui hasil medical check up dan pengisian kuesioner PSS. Subyek penelitian mempunyai kriteria inklusi bersedia menjadi responden dan bekerja di main office yang terpajan bising dibawah 85 dB. Kriteria eksklusinya adalah pekerja yang telah didiagnosa menderita gangguan jiwa stres dan penyebab stres telah diketahui.Hasil: Diantara 107 pekerja main office, terdapat 96 orang pekerja yang bersedia menjadi responden. Analisa dengan menggunakan uji statistik Mann Whitney pada pekerja yang memiliki kebiasaan exercise dengan yang tidak exercise dengan nilai p = 0,090, untuk kesan bising subyektif didapatkan p=0,005 dan untuk persepsi bising subyektif didapatkan nilai p=0,051.Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara skor PSS dengan kesan bising subyektif. Sedangkan untuk umur, jenis kelamin, status pendidikan dan pernikahan, masa kerja, jabatan, DM, Hipertensi, kebiasaan merokok, exercise, dan persepsi bising subyektif didapatkan perbedaan skor PSS namun tidak bermakna. ABSTRACTBackground: Non hearing disorder because of noise is stress at work. Noise intensity under threshold can cause stress perception at work to some people, referred to as subjective noise exposure. This study aims to examine the relationship between subjective noise exposure and stress perception at work using score of Perceived Stress Scale Questionnaire and other factors on workers of PT K in Jakarta.Methods: Cross sectional descriptive, conducted on 96 workers from main office. Data were collected from medical check up and Perceived Stress Scale Questionnaire. Subject have inclusive criteria were willing to become respondent and work at main office who are exposed to noise under 85 dB. Exclusive criteria were workers who have been diagnosed with stress mental disorder and cause has been known.Results: Statistical analysis using Mann Whitney test on workers who have exercise habit with who havent give results p= 0.090, to find out if workers feel their work environment noisy or not using Mann Whitney test give result p=0.005. Meanwhile to find out if workers feel annoyed with the noise or not give results p= 0,051.Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a significant difference between score of Perceived Stress Scale with subjective noise impression. As for age, sex, education, marital status, years of service, position, diabetes, hypertension, smoking habits, exercise and noise subjective perception gave difference to score of Perceived Stress Scale but not meaningful. |