[ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk mayoritas beragama Islam, dimanamasalah perlindungan konsumen terhadap kehalalan suatu produk baik makanandan minuman merupakan masalah utama. Predikat mayoritas tersebutmengasumsikan bahwa kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman sudah jelaskehalalannya, padahal dengan tekhnologi pangan canggih sekarang ini banyakproduk makanan dan minuman yang tidak dapat dipastikan kehalalannya tanpamelakukan penelitian dan penelusuran lebih dalam. Penelusuran ini dapatdilakukan melalui suatu proses audit dengan mengikuti standar-standartertentu.dengan proses pemberian label atau tanda halal sebagai wujudperlindungan konsumen.Regulasi halal di Indonesia tercantum dalam terbitnya inpres, keputusan menteridan beberapa undang-undang. Kegiatan labelisasi (pencantuman) tulisan halalpada kemasan sudah diterapkan lebih dahulu sebelum sertifikasi halal. Berbagaiperaturan perundang-undangan yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan pengaturanproduk halal belum memberikan kepastian dan jaminan hukum bagi masyarakat.Pengaturan mengenai jaminan produk halal perlu diatur dalam satu undangundangyang secara komprehensif mencakup produk yang meliputi barang dan/atau jasa yang terkait dengan makanan, minuman, obat, kosmetik, produkkimiawi, produk biologi, dan produk rekaya genetik serta barang gunaan yangdipakai, digunakan, atau dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.Kini sudah terbit Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan ProdukHalal sebagai regulasi untuk menjamin kepastian hukum terhadap kehalalan suatuproduk yang dibuktikan dengan sertifikasi halal. Undang-Undang Jaminan ProdukHalal ini tergolong peraturan baru yang implementasinya masih membutuhkanpenyesuaian mengingat banyak peraturan sebelum undang-undang ini terbit yangmasih berlaku. ABSTRACT Indonesia is a country of majority Muslim population, where the issue ofconsumer protection against halal food and drink is the main problem. Predicateof majority assumes that halal food products and beverages was halal surely,whereas with advanced food technology today many food and beverage productswhich can not be ascertained halal without doing research and search deeper. Thissearch can be done through an audit process to follow the standards. With labelingprocess or lawful mark as a form of consumer protection.Regulation halal in Indonesia listed in the publication of Instruction, ministerialdecisions and some laws. Labeling activities (inclusion) word halal on thepackaging has been applied in advance before halal certification. Various lawsand regulations that have relevance to the setting of halal products not providecertainty and legal guarantees for the public. Arrangements regarding halalproduct assurance needs to be regulated in a law that comprehensively coversproducts which include goods and / or services related to food, beverage,medicine, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, and products ofgenetic rekaya and use of goods used , used, or used by the community.Has now been published Undang-Undang No. 33 Tahun 2014 tentang JaminanProduk Halal as regulations to ensure legal certainty for halal products isevidenced by a halal certification. Law Halal Product Guarantee is classified as anew regulation that its implementation still require adjustments to remember a lotof regulations before this law is still valid issue, Indonesia is a country of majority Muslim population, where the issue ofconsumer protection against halal food and drink is the main problem. Predicateof majority assumes that halal food products and beverages was halal surely,whereas with advanced food technology today many food and beverage productswhich can not be ascertained halal without doing research and search deeper. Thissearch can be done through an audit process to follow the standards. With labelingprocess or lawful mark as a form of consumer protection.Regulation halal in Indonesia listed in the publication of Instruction, ministerialdecisions and some laws. Labeling activities (inclusion) word halal on thepackaging has been applied in advance before halal certification. Various lawsand regulations that have relevance to the setting of halal products not providecertainty and legal guarantees for the public. Arrangements regarding halalproduct assurance needs to be regulated in a law that comprehensively coversproducts which include goods and / or services related to food, beverage,medicine, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, and products ofgenetic rekaya and use of goods used , used, or used by the community.Has now been published Undang-Undang No. 33 Tahun 2014 tentang JaminanProduk Halal as regulations to ensure legal certainty for halal products isevidenced by a halal certification. Law Halal Product Guarantee is classified as anew regulation that its implementation still require adjustments to remember a lotof regulations before this law is still valid issue] |