[ABSTRAK Sebagai Daerah Otonomi Baru, Kabupaten Pangandaran memiliki Pendapatan Asli Daerah yang relatifkecil karena pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang belum optimal. Pemanfaatan yang optimalmemunculkan industri yang dibangun secara terpadu guna meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah.Metode Penelitian menganalisis data dari studi literatur, FGD, opini pakar untuk mendapatkan industridan prioritasnya, model master plan yang sesuai RTRW, model kelembagaan dan kerjasama. Analisakeekonomian menggunakan analisa cash flow mendapatkan nilai NPV, IRR, POT beserta skenariooptimum untuk dikerjasamakan. Hasil analisis keekonomian KTM di kabupaten Pangandaran selama 30tahun dengan membangun kawasan industri dapat meningkatkan PAD sebesar Rp419 milyar ditambahfasilitas infrastruktur yang selesai dibangun pihak swasta pada tahun ke 9. NPV sebesar Rp875 Milyar,IRR 17,07% dan POT selama 11,44 tahun menjadi skenario ideal untuk kerjasama Private Sector denganBUMD yang menggunakan sistem Revenue Sharing. ABSTRACT a new autonomy region, Pangandaran District’s revenue is relatively low in revenue category becausethey natural resources is not optimal yet in used. The new industry will come if utilization of naturalresources run optimally which is the industry will contribute to leverage to the original district income sothat development programs can be done . Methodology Research analyzed data from literature study,focus group discussions, expert opinions, to get type of industry, priority, a master plan appropriatemodels based on RTRW, institutional models and partnership model. The economic analysis usingdiscounted cash flow analysis to get NPV, IRR,POT along with optimum scenario for partnership. KTM’seconomic analysis results in Pangandaran district for 30 years by build industrial zone can increaserevenue up to Rp419 billion plus infrastructures facilities will submit by private sector in nine year. NPVRp875 billion, IRR 17.07% and POT in 11.44 year as the ideal scenario for Private Sector cooperationwith Public sector that use Revenue Sharing System, a new autonomy region, Pangandaran District’s revenue is relatively low in revenue category becausethey natural resources is not optimal yet in used. The new industry will come if utilization of naturalresources run optimally which is the industry will contribute to leverage to the original district income sothat development programs can be done . Methodology Research analyzed data from literature study,focus group discussions, expert opinions, to get type of industry, priority, a master plan appropriatemodels based on RTRW, institutional models and partnership model. The economic analysis usingdiscounted cash flow analysis to get NPV, IRR,POT along with optimum scenario for partnership. KTM’seconomic analysis results in Pangandaran district for 30 years by build industrial zone can increaserevenue up to Rp419 billion plus infrastructures facilities will submit by private sector in nine year. NPVRp875 billion, IRR 17.07% and POT in 11.44 year as the ideal scenario for Private Sector cooperationwith Public sector that use Revenue Sharing System] |