[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami proses preservasi pengetahuan di perpustakaan komunitas, mengidentifikasi pengetahuan penting yang harus dipelihara di perpustakaan komunitas, mengidentifikasi masalah penyebab ancaman kehilangan pengetahuan, serta menganalisis nilai potensial yang ada di perpustakaan komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yang berfokus pada intepretasi pengetahuan yang dimilikipengelola serta pengalaman relawan dan masyarakat sekitar dalam memaknai keberadaan perpustakaan komunitas di wilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan enam tahap proses preservasi pengetahuan dari World Bank (1998). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan tacit yang dimiliki pengelola merupakan pengetahuan yang penting dalam pengelolaan perpustakaan komunitasdan sebagian kecil preservasi pengetahuan telah dilakukan secara tidak sadar oleh pengelola, khususnya tahap diseminasi pengetahuan. Akan tetapi, pengelola belum menyadari bahwa pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dan pengetahuan relawan yang terlibat merupakan aset penting dalam pengelolaan Rumah Baca Zikri. Selain itu, melalui preservasi pengetahuan ini dapat ditangkap beberapa maknakeberadaan Rumah Baca Zikri yaitu seperti nilai kekeluargaan, kebersamaan, kerja sama, keikhlasan, pengorbanan, tanggung jawab, kemandirian, kemanusiaan serta terdapat juga unsur kepercayaan;This research aims to understand the knowledge preservation in communitylibrary, to indentify the important knowledge that have to be preserved in a community library, to identify the core problem of knowledge loss and to analyze the values which are embedded in community library. The research was conducted by using qualitative method with case study approach that mainly focused on the interpretation of owner/manager’s knowledge and the experiences of volunteers, users and surrounding neighbors. This research is based on the sixsteps of knowledge preservation from World Bank (1998). The result shows that owner’s tacit knowledge is an essential knowledge to maintain the library and also reveals that few of the six steps have already been done, especially the knowledge dissemination phase. Unfortunately, the owner has not yet realized that his knowledge is an important asset to manage his library. Aside from that, by doingthis research, some values that are embedded in community library such as, kinship, togetherness, team work, sincerity, sacrifice, independency, humanity, and also personal trust can also be gathered, This research aims to understand the knowledge preservation in communitylibrary, to indentify the important knowledge that have to be preserved in acommunity library, to identify the core problem of knowledge loss and to analyzethe values which are embedded in community library. The research wasconducted by using qualitative method with case study approach that mainlyfocused on the interpretation of owner/manager’s knowledge and the experiencesof volunteers, users and surrounding neighbors. This research is based on the sixsteps of knowledge preservation from World Bank (1998). The result shows thatowner’s tacit knowledge is an essential knowledge to maintain the library and alsoreveals that few of the six steps have already been done, especially the knowledgedissemination phase. Unfortunately, the owner has not yet realized that hisknowledge is an important asset to manage his library. Aside from that, by doingthis research, some values that are embedded in community library such as,kinship, togetherness, team work, sincerity, sacrifice, independency, humanity,and also personal trust can also be gathered] |