[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang analisa mutu pelayanan unit hemodialisa ditinjau dariKriteria Baldrige di Rumah Sakit Anna Medika Bekasi Tahun 2015. Hal inididasari karena saat ini unit hemodialisa menjadi rumah sakit dengan tindakanhemodialisa terbesar ke dua di Jawa Barat, sehingga perlu diketahui kekuatan dankelemahan dalam pelayanan unit hemodialisa. Hal lain karena belum dilakukankajian terhadap mutu pelayanan, maka dilakukan analisa dengan menggunakankriteria Baldrige. Kriteria Baldrige digunakan karena fleksibel, tidak mengukursatu aspek saja, namun terhadap faktor organisasi, operasional dan hasilpelayanan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif.Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen.Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan petunjuk/panduan penilaian kriteriaBaldrige. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa mutu pelayanan unit hemodialisatelah mencapai poin 527,75 dari total skor dalam kriteria Baldrige yakni 1000poin. Dalam penilaian ini, unit hemodialisa menuju tahap pengembangan danperbaikan. Aspek yang terkuat dalam pelayanan unit hemodialisa terletak padakepuasan pelanggan (pasien), operasional dan berorientasi terhadap pelayanan,namun terdapat aspek yang perlu perbaikan yakni dalam hal strategi, monitoringdan evaluasi serta kepemimpinan. Saran penelitian ini agar unit memperhatikan,membuat program kerja, pedoman pelayanan/standar operasional prosedur, sistemkeamanan dan keselamatan pasien dan karyawan guna mencapai pelayanan yangbermutu tinggi. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the analysis of service quality hemodialysis unit in terms ofthe Baldrige Criteria Anna Medika Hospital in Bekasi year since 2015. This isbased on current hemodialysis unit into a hospital with action hemodialysissecond largest in West Java, so keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses inservice hemodialysis unit. The other thing because it has not done a study ofquality of service, then the analysis using the Baldrige criteria. Baldrige criteria isused because it is flexible, does not measure one aspect only, but to factororganizational, operational and service delivery.The research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Collecting datawith in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. Data processing andanalysis using manual / guide assessment Baldrige criteria. The study found thatservice quality hemodialysis unit has reached a total score of 527.75 points in theBaldrige criteria for 1000 points. In this assessment, hemodialysis unit towardsthe stages of development and improvement. Aspects of the strongest in theservice of hemodialysis unit located on customer satisfaction (patient), operationaland oriented towards services, but there are aspects that need improvement interms of strategy, monitoring and evaluation, and leadership. This researchsuggestion that the unit pay attention, make the program work, ministry guidelines/ standard operating procedures, systems security and safety of patients andemployees in order to achieve high quality services, This thesis discusses the analysis of service quality hemodialysis unit in terms ofthe Baldrige Criteria Anna Medika Hospital in Bekasi year since 2015. This isbased on current hemodialysis unit into a hospital with action hemodialysissecond largest in West Java, so keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses inservice hemodialysis unit. The other thing because it has not done a study ofquality of service, then the analysis using the Baldrige criteria. Baldrige criteria isused because it is flexible, does not measure one aspect only, but to factororganizational, operational and service delivery.The research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Collecting datawith in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. Data processing andanalysis using manual / guide assessment Baldrige criteria. The study found thatservice quality hemodialysis unit has reached a total score of 527.75 points in theBaldrige criteria for 1000 points. In this assessment, hemodialysis unit towardsthe stages of development and improvement. Aspects of the strongest in theservice of hemodialysis unit located on customer satisfaction (patient), operationaland oriented towards services, but there are aspects that need improvement interms of strategy, monitoring and evaluation, and leadership. This researchsuggestion that the unit pay attention, make the program work, ministry guidelines/ standard operating procedures, systems security and safety of patients andemployees in order to achieve high quality services] |