[ABSTRAK Perbedaan ideologi, budaya, agama, serta sikap eksklusif, menjadi penyebab tidakberjalannya dengan baik proses integrasi kelompok imigran Muslim dalamberintegrasi dengan masyarakat Belanda. Kondisi ini semakin diperburuk denganmelemahnya pandangan masyarakat Belanda terhadap nilai-nilai multikulturalis,terutama pasca tragedi World Trade Center tahun 2001. Pemerintah Belandaberupaya untuk meningkatkan proses integrasi kelompok imigran melalui sebuahundang-undang integrasi yang disebut dengan Wet Inburgering Nieuwkomers,yang pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perkembangan integrasikelompok minoritas dan pemberdayaan pendatang baru. Namun, berbagai revisiyang dilakukan dalam undang-undang ini, mulai bertujuan untuk menekan aruskedatangan imigran dan jumlah populasi imigran di Belanda melalui kontenkontenkebijakan yang bersifat tegas, bersikap menghukum (punitive) dancenderung diskriminatif. ABSTRACT Differences in ideology, culture, religion, and exclusive attitudes become thecauses of ineffectiveness integration process of Muslim immigrant groups intoDutch society. This condition is increasingly exacerbated by the weakening ofDutch society view to the multicultural values, especially after the World TradeCenter tragedy in 2001. The Dutch government seeks to increase the integrationprocess of immigrants groups through integration acts that called Wet InburgeringNieuwkomers, which basically aim to enhance the integration development of theminorities and the empowerment of newcomers. However, various revisions thatconducted in this law started on purpose to suppress a massive influx ofimmigrants and the number of immigrant population in the Netherlands throughpolicy contents, which are typically firm, punitive and tend to be discriminatory, Differences in ideology, culture, religion, and exclusive attitudes become thecauses of ineffectiveness integration process of Muslim immigrant groups intoDutch society. This condition is increasingly exacerbated by the weakening ofDutch society view to the multicultural values, especially after the World TradeCenter tragedy in 2001. The Dutch government seeks to increase the integrationprocess of immigrants groups through integration acts that called Wet InburgeringNieuwkomers, which basically aim to enhance the integration development of theminorities and the empowerment of newcomers. However, various revisions thatconducted in this law started on purpose to suppress a massive influx ofimmigrants and the number of immigrant population in the Netherlands throughpolicy contents, which are typically firm, punitive and tend to be discriminatory] |