[Tesis ini menganalisis pemaknaan dan reaksi manusia gerobak terhadap ruang urban Jakarta. Pemaknaan terhadap ruang urban Jakarta oleh manusia gerobak dan reaksi mereka terhadap regulasi di ruang urban Jakarta menjadi pertanyaan dalam tesis ini. Data diperoleh melalui pendekatan etnografi dengan wawancara mendalam kepadamanusia gerobak di Jakarta Selatan, dan observasi kegiatan manusia gerobak. Tesis ini menggunakan konsep urban dan hegemoni untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan manusia gerobak memaknai ruang urban Jakarta dengan eksistensi melalui mobilitas mereka untuk dapat bertahan di ruang urban Jakarta.Manusia gerobak menunjukkan reaksi berupa resistensi terhadap regulasi di ruang urban Jakarta. Mereka menunjukkan resistensi dengan tidak memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk, menolak bekerja dalam sektor formal dengan memilih menjadi manusia gerobak, dan tidak ingin menempati rumah tinggal seperti yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Resistensi ini menjadi bentuk gerakan untuk menuntut hak mereka atas kota dalam konteks Jakarta sebagai ruang urban;This thesis analyses how manusia gerobak makes meaning out of the urban space ofJakarta. It evaluates manusia gerobak’s meaning making process and how they react to the urban regulation in Jakarta. The main research method is utilizing ethnographic tools which consist of in-depth interviews and observations of manusia gerobak in South Jakarta. In analyzing the data, the concepts of urban and hegemony are used toanswer the research questions. Research findings reveal that the meaning making process is done within the manusia gerobak’s mobility as a way to reflect in their existence in Jakarta. At the same time, manusia gerobak show their resistance to regulation by rejecting to have Jakarta’s identity card, refusing to work in formal sector by choosing to be a manusia gerobak as their job, and not wanting to stay in formal settlements, such as houses provided by the government. All of these represent their resistance in claiming their rights to the city in the context of Jakarta as an urban space, This thesis analyses how manusia gerobak makes meaning out of the urban space ofJakarta. It evaluates manusia gerobak’s meaning making process and how they react tothe urban regulation in Jakarta. The main research method is utilizing ethnographictools which consist of in-depth interviews and observations of manusia gerobak inSouth Jakarta. In analyzing the data, the concepts of urban and hegemony are used toanswer the research questions. Research findings reveal that the meaning makingprocess is done within the manusia gerobak’s mobility as a way to reflect in theirexistence in Jakarta. At the same time, manusia gerobak show their resistance toregulation by rejecting to have Jakarta’s identity card, refusing to work in formal sectorby choosing to be a manusia gerobak as their job, and not wanting to stay in formalsettlements, such as houses provided by the government. All of these represent theirresistance in claiming their rights to the city in the context of Jakarta as an urban space] |