[ABSTRAK Gangguan depresi mayor merupakan suatu gangguan kejiwaan ditandai dengankemurungan, ketiadaan gairah hidup, perasaan tidak berguna dan putus asa danmengalami minimal empat dari gejala berikut yaitu perubahan berat badan dannafsu makan, perubahan tidur dan aktivitas, tidak ada energi, rasa bersalah,masalah dalam berfikir dan membuat keputusan, berfikir berulang tentangkematian dan bunuh diri tampa riwayat episode manik, campuran atau hipomanik,sekurang-kurangnya telah dirasakan selama 2 minggu. Survei kesehatan mentaldunia pada 17 negara menemukan sekitar 1 dari 20 orang dilaporkan menderitaepisode depresi setiap tahunnya, paling sering terjadi adalah gangguan depresimayor. Pengobatan dengan farmakoterapi golongan antidepresan hanyamenunjukkan efektifitas 60-70% disertai efek samping yang serius sehinggaberbagai modalitas terapi dikembangkan, salah satunya akupunktur. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi kombinasi akupunktur denganantidepresan dibandingkan kombinasi akupunktur sham dengan antidepresanterhadap perubahan skor Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D 17)pada penderita gangguan depresi mayor. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggaldilakukan pada 48 pasien gangguan depresi mayor dialokasikan ke dalamkelompok kombinasi akupunktur dengan antidepresan dan kelompok kombinasiakupunktur sham dengan antidepresan. Penilaian kemajuan terapi digunakan skorHAM-D 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata skor HAM-D 17 pada kelompokkasus sebelum terapi 22,2±3,38 dan setelah terapi ke-12 turun menjadi 7,3±2,64.Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol rerata skor HAM-D 17 sebelum terapi21,4±3,10 dan setelah terapi ke-12 turun menjadi 9,3±3,33. Terdapat perbedaanbermakna antara selisih rerata penurunan skor HAM-D 17 sebelum dan setelah 12kali terapi pada kelompok kasus 14,9±2,45 dibandingan dengan kelompok kontrol12,2±4,30 (p<0,005). Terapi kombinasi akupunktur dengan antidepresan lebihefektif mengurangi gejala gangguan depresi mayor dibandingkan kombinasiakupunktur sham dengan antidepresan. ABSTRACT Major depressive disorder is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized at leastfour of the following symptoms, loss of weight and appetite, sleep disturbance andloss of interest of activity, low energy level, guilt, difficulty concentrating andmaking decisions, recurrent death or suicide, without a history of manicepisodes, mixed or hypomanic. These sings and symptoms have been felt at leastfor 2 weeks. The mental health survey conducted in 17 countries found that about1 in 20 people are reported to suffer from a depressive episode each year andmost are major depressive disorder. The effectiveness of antidepressantmedication only 60-70% with serious side effects, so that various therapeuticmodalities developed, one of which is acupuncture. This study aims to determinethe effectiveness of combination therapy of acupuncture with antidepressantscompared to combination of sham acupuncture with antidepressants in patientswith major depressive disorder and the outcome was the score Hamilton RatingScale for Depression (HAM-D 17). Single-blind randomized clinical trialconducted in 48 patients with major depressive disorder and the patients wereallocated into two groups, intervention (acupuncture with antidepressants) andcontrol (sham acupuncture with antidepressant). The mean of HAM-D 17 score inthe intervention group before treatment was 22,2±3,38 and after treatment was7,3±2,64. The mean of HAM-D 17 score in control group before treatment was21,4±3,10 and after treatment was 9,3±3,33. There was significant differencesbetween intervention and control group before and after 12 times of therapy in themean decrease of score on HAM-D 1714.9±2.45 to12.2±4.30 (p<0.005). Acombination of acupuncture therapy with antidepressants is more effective inreducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder compared to shamacupuncture combination with antidepressants, Major depressive disorder is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized at leastfour of the following symptoms, loss of weight and appetite, sleep disturbance andloss of interest of activity, low energy level, guilt, difficulty concentrating andmaking decisions, recurrent death or suicide, without a history of manicepisodes, mixed or hypomanic. These sings and symptoms have been felt at leastfor 2 weeks. The mental health survey conducted in 17 countries found that about1 in 20 people are reported to suffer from a depressive episode each year andmost are major depressive disorder. The effectiveness of antidepressantmedication only 60-70% with serious side effects, so that various therapeuticmodalities developed, one of which is acupuncture. This study aims to determinethe effectiveness of combination therapy of acupuncture with antidepressantscompared to combination of sham acupuncture with antidepressants in patientswith major depressive disorder and the outcome was the score Hamilton RatingScale for Depression (HAM-D 17). Single-blind randomized clinical trialconducted in 48 patients with major depressive disorder and the patients wereallocated into two groups, intervention (acupuncture with antidepressants) andcontrol (sham acupuncture with antidepressant). The mean of HAM-D 17 score inthe intervention group before treatment was 22,2±3,38 and after treatment was7,3±2,64. The mean of HAM-D 17 score in control group before treatment was21,4±3,10 and after treatment was 9,3±3,33. There was significant differencesbetween intervention and control group before and after 12 times of therapy in themean decrease of score on HAM-D 1714.9±2.45 to12.2±4.30 (p<0.005). Acombination of acupuncture therapy with antidepressants is more effective inreducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder compared to shamacupuncture combination with antidepressants] |