[ABSTRAK Pembangunan infrastruktur di desa merupakan hal penting dalam memajukankehidupan masyarakat desa. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengambil contohKecamatan Muncang Kabupaten Lebak, karena Kecamatan Muncang tersebutmasih merupakan daerah tertinggal. Penulis mengkaitkan keadaan tersebut denganmasalah dana baik dari pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah setempat maupuntindakan dari pihakpihakyang tidak bertanggung jawab sehingga mengganggupembangunan di desa tersebut. Studi kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui danmenjelaskan peran pemerintah daerah dalam pengelolaan dana yangmengakibatkan terganggunya ketahanan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakanmetode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan terdiri dari 9 orangdimana 3 orang memiliki kompetensi dalam bidang pembangunan, pemberdayaandan ketahanan masyarakat desa dan sisanya adalah tokoh adat. Teori yangdigunakan adalah pembangunan desa, teori karakteristik desa, teori kelembagaanotonomi desa, teori kewenangan daerah otonom dan teori ketahanan daerah. Studiini menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Kecamatan Muncang tidak diberdayakanoleh pemerintah pusat karena dianggap tidak memiliki kemampuan sertapengetahuan yang cukup. Selain itu, pengelolaan dana dilakukan secara terpusatsehingga banyaknya dana yang mengalir kedesa tidak berupa uang melainkandalam bentuk barang atau program yang belum tentu dibutuhkan untukpembangunan desa. Jadi Pembangunan desa di Kabupaten Lebak lebihtersentral/terpusat dimana belum nampak jelas kewenangan antara kabupaten dandesa. ABSTRACT The developments of infrastructure in the rural areas are the most important thingin improving the lives of its people. In this study, the writer took a sample inMuncang Subdistrict,Lebak District, since Muncang Subdistrictis still leastdeveloped. The writer relates such condition with the funding problem both in thecentral government and local government and also the irresponsible manners fromthe parties that can disrupt development in the rural areas.This qualitative studyaims to find out and clarify the role of the local government in the fundingmanagement, which is impacted on the disruption of the area security. Themethods used in this study were interview, observation, and documentation. Theinformants consisted of 9 (nine) persons where 3 (three) of them have competencein the field of development, empowerment and security of rural community andthe rest were traditional leaders. Meanwhile, the theory used for this study werethe theory of rural development, the theory of rural characteristic, the theory ofinstitutional rural autonomy, the theory of autonomous regional authority and thetheory of area security. The study shows that the people of Muncang Subdistrictare not empowered by the central government since they are reputed to have noability and adequate knowledge. Moreover, the management of fund is donecentralized,so the flowing fund is not in the shape of money but is in the form ofprogram or goods which are not exactly needed for the rural development.Therefore, the rural development in Lebak District is more centralized whereinthere is no clear authority between the district and the rural areas, The developments of infrastructure in the rural areas are the most important thingin improving the lives of its people. In this study, the writer took a sample inMuncang Subdistrict,Lebak District, since Muncang Subdistrictis still leastdeveloped. The writer relates such condition with the funding problem both in thecentral government and local government and also the irresponsible manners fromthe parties that can disrupt development in the rural areas.This qualitative studyaims to find out and clarify the role of the local government in the fundingmanagement, which is impacted on the disruption of the area security. Themethods used in this study were interview, observation, and documentation. Theinformants consisted of 9 (nine) persons where 3 (three) of them have competencein the field of development, empowerment and security of rural community andthe rest were traditional leaders. Meanwhile, the theory used for this study werethe theory of rural development, the theory of rural characteristic, the theory ofinstitutional rural autonomy, the theory of autonomous regional authority and thetheory of area security. The study shows that the people of Muncang Subdistrictare not empowered by the central government since they are reputed to have noability and adequate knowledge. Moreover, the management of fund is donecentralized,so the flowing fund is not in the shape of money but is in the form ofprogram or goods which are not exactly needed for the rural development.Therefore, the rural development in Lebak District is more centralized whereinthere is no clear authority between the district and the rural areas] |