[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan perempuan sebagaikurir dalam peredaran gelap narkotika serta serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktoryang mendorong perempuan terlibat sebagai kurir dalam peredaran gelapnarkotika.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengandalkan analisis datadeskriptif yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara yang mendalam dengan 8(delapan) informan perempuan dari beberapa tempat yaitu : di LembagaPemasyarakatan Klas IIA Wanita Tangerang, Banten, Rumah Tahanan (Rutan)Klas IIA Wanita Jakarta Timur, Rutan Direktorat Tindak Pidana NarkotikaBareskrim Polri dan Rutan Badan Narkotika Nasional. Data juga diperolehdengan pengamatan dan studi kepustakaan.Keterlibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika, seperti diketahuibahwa perempuan memiliki peranan yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja,karena banyaknya peranan perempuan baik didalam keluarga serta dalamkehidupan ekonomi, sosial, kebudayaan, pendidikan, politik dan agama.Kedudukan perempuan sangat strategis didalam keluarga, khususnya dalammembentuk pribadi-pribadi yang militan, kekuatan seorang perempuan bukanhanya mengubah hidup keluarganya, melainkan juga mengubah sebuah bangsaatau bahkan dunia. Namun kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan, banyakperempuan yang terlibat dalam peredaran gelap narkotika sebagai kurir.Perempuan sebagai kurir tidak serta merta terjadi, ada sindikat narkotika yangmengendalikan perempuan dengan berbagai modus, ada karena ketidaktahuanmereka, ketergantungan kepada laki-laki yang mempunayi hubungan denganperempuan sebagai suami atau pacar, ada juga karena dititipi barang narkotika.Perempuan terlibat tanpa mengetahui resiko atas tindakannya dan berakhir dalamhukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicittrafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encouragewomen to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptivedata obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant fromseveral places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIATangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House ofDetention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police andthe House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained bythe observation and study of literature.Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known thatwomen have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women bothwithin families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political andreligious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form ofmilitant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of herfamily, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happeningon the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as acourier.Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates thatcontrol women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband orboyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involvedwithout knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in thePenitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicittrafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encouragewomen to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptivedata obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant fromseveral places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIATangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House ofDetention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police andthe House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained bythe observation and study of literature.Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known thatwomen have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women bothwithin families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political andreligious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form ofmilitant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of herfamily, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happeningon the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as acourier.Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates thatcontrol women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband orboyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involvedwithout knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in thePenitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicittrafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encouragewomen to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptivedata obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant fromseveral places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIATangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House ofDetention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police andthe House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained bythe observation and study of literature.Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known thatwomen have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women bothwithin families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political andreligious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form ofmilitant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of herfamily, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happeningon the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as acourier.Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates thatcontrol women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband orboyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involvedwithout knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in thePenitentiary, This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicittrafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encouragewomen to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptivedata obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant fromseveral places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIATangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House ofDetention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police andthe House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained bythe observation and study of literature.Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known thatwomen have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women bothwithin families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political andreligious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form ofmilitant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of herfamily, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happeningon the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as acourier.Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates thatcontrol women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband orboyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involvedwithout knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in thePenitentiary] |