[ABSTRAK Program Pemuda Pelopor merupakan salah satu upaya dalammeningkatkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) Pemuda Indonesia, denganharapan bahwa pemuda Indonesia memiliki jiwa kepeloporan di segalabidang, sehingga apa yang menjadi peran pemuda di masyarakat salah satunyamenjadi Agen Of Change atau agen perubahan bisa terlaksana. di Kota Bogorpelaksanaan pemuda pelopor dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah Kota Bogormelalui Kantor Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kota Bogor menjadi peran startegisdalam memcari dan menanamkan kepeloporan kepada pemudanya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaif deskriptif analisis denganfactual problemnya adalah bahwa peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan programpemuda pelopor yang dilaksanakan oleh Kanpora Kota Bogor belumlahoptimal, dikarenakan peserta yang mengikuti program ini dari tahun ketahunbelum mecapai target, seperti halnya di pelaksanaan program pemuda peloportahun 2014, peserta di targetkan sebanyak 5 orang namun yang mengikutiprogram ini sebanyak 3 peserta, dalam penellitian ini, ada 4 faktor yangberperan penting dalam keberhasilan implementasi program yaitu, PeranProses Rekrutmen, Peran Kinerja/Performance Pelaksana, Peran Komunikasidan Peran Pelaksanaan Dari Evaluasi Program.Hasil penelitian dari yang sudah dilakukan di Kanpora Kota Bogor,bahwa Kanpora sebagai pelaksana teknis belum optimal dalam melaksanakanprogram pemuda pelopor, dikarenakan kurangnya pagu anggaran yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Bogor, sehingga berdampak kepadapelaksanaan yang tidak maksimal, seperti halnya proses rekrutmen yangdilaksanakan oleh pelaksana hanya mengandalkan surat untukmensosiaalisaikan dan menginformasikan program, belum adanya keterlibatandari alumni/stakeholder dan belum menggunakan media elektronik, mediacetak dan media sosial untuk mensosialisasikannya, adapun saran dalampenelitian ini adalah agar terpenuhinya peserta program pemuda pelopor,pelaksana/pantia harus melakukan sosialisasi dengan menggunakan mediaelektronik, media cetak dan media sosial, selain itu melibatkan senior/alumniyang pernah mengikuti program. dan menjalin kordinasi dengan SKPD Lainuntuk berkordinasi langsung dalam pembinaan pemuda. ABSTRACT Pioneer Youth Program is one of the effort in improving IndonesianYouth human resources (HR), with an eye to the young people of Indonesiahave a pioneering spirit in all areas, so what become the role of youth in thesociety one of them becomes Agent Of Change can be implemented. in BogorCity, the implementation of pioneer youth is implemented by the citygovernment of Bogor through youth and sport centre become strategic role inpioneering the community and instilling the youth.This research is using the analysis descriptive qualitative method andits factual problem is all participants who join the pioneer youth eventimplemented by Kanpora of Bogor City has been optimal yet, because of theparticipant who join this eent from the year to year has not reached the target.as well as the implementation of pioneer youth program in 2014, participant istargeted as many people but who join this program is 3 participants. in thisresearch there are 4 factors which has the important role in the success ofprogram implementation namely the role of recruitment process, the role ofperformance, the role of communication and the role of implementation fromthe bogor city government, soThe result of the research has been executed in kanpora of bogor city,kanpora as technical implementation has not been optimal in implementingpioneer youth program, because of the lack of budgeting set by bogor citygovernment, so it affects to not optimal implementation, as well as therecruitment process which is implemented by the executor only rely on a letterto socialize and to inform the program, beside that there is not anyinvolvement from alumni or stakeholder and it has not used the electronicmedia, printing media and social media to socialize it. meanwhile, thesuggestion in the research is in order to fulfill the pioneer youth programparticipant, executor/committee should socialize by using electronic media,printing media and social media. beside that involving the alumni/stakeholderwho have ever joined the program and establish the coordination with theother SKPD to coordinate directly in youth guidance, Pioneer Youth Program is one of the effort in improving IndonesianYouth human resources (HR), with an eye to the young people of Indonesiahave a pioneering spirit in all areas, so what become the role of youth in thesociety one of them becomes Agent Of Change can be implemented. in BogorCity, the implementation of pioneer youth is implemented by the citygovernment of Bogor through youth and sport centre become strategic role inpioneering the community and instilling the youth.This research is using the analysis descriptive qualitative method andits factual problem is all participants who join the pioneer youth eventimplemented by Kanpora of Bogor City has been optimal yet, because of theparticipant who join this eent from the year to year has not reached the target.as well as the implementation of pioneer youth program in 2014, participant istargeted as many people but who join this program is 3 participants. in thisresearch there are 4 factors which has the important role in the success ofprogram implementation namely the role of recruitment process, the role ofperformance, the role of communication and the role of implementation fromthe bogor city government, soThe result of the research has been executed in kanpora of bogor city,kanpora as technical implementation has not been optimal in implementingpioneer youth program, because of the lack of budgeting set by bogor citygovernment, so it affects to not optimal implementation, as well as therecruitment process which is implemented by the executor only rely on a letterto socialize and to inform the program, beside that there is not anyinvolvement from alumni or stakeholder and it has not used the electronicmedia, printing media and social media to socialize it. meanwhile, thesuggestion in the research is in order to fulfill the pioneer youth programparticipant, executor/committee should socialize by using electronic media,printing media and social media. beside that involving the alumni/stakeholderwho have ever joined the program and establish the coordination with theother SKPD to coordinate directly in youth guidance] |