[ABSTRAK Pendahuluan:Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) adalah autoantibodi terhadap berbagai antigenintranuklear seperti deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclearribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) dan lain-lain. Hasil pemeriksaan ANA dilaporkandalam titer dan polanya. Pada saat ini sesuai anjuran manufacturer, interpretasititer ANA menggunakan kit Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver (Monkey) dari Euroimmunhanya berdasarkan pengenceran 1/100 dan 1/1000 dengan intensitas fluoresensistrong, moderate atau weak, dan dilaporkan hasil titer 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 atau>1/1000. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan ANA dengan pengenceran1/100, 1/320 dan 1/1000. Interpretasi pembacaan dinilai dengan (3 pengenceran)dan tanpa pengenceran 1/320 (2 pengenceran), kemudian dibandingkankesesuaian antara keduanya. Terdapat lebih dari 35 pola ANA-IFA yang telahdiidentifikasi, dengan sekitar 100 jenis kemungkinan autoantibodi. Pola tersebutdapat dijadikan langkah awal identifikasi jenis autoantibodi. Tersedia tes dengankombinasi berbagai antigen yang dikenal sebagai profil ANA. Penelitian ini jugadilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profil ANA.Metodologi Penelitian:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain potong lintang, dilakukan dilaboratorium imunologi RSCM selama Juni-Juli 2015. Subjek penelitian adalahserum yang dikirim ke laboratorium RSCM untuk pemeriksaan ANA denganbesar sampel 75 sampel. Data dilaporkan dalam bentuk deskriptif analitik. Datadari interpretasi 2 pengenceran (1/100 dan 1/1000) dengan 3 pengenceran (1/100,1/320 dan 1/1000) dinilai kesesuaiannya dengan menggunakan uji statistik Kappa.Hasil Penelitian:Pola ANA-IFA tersering yang ditemukan adalah spekel kasar (35,2%), spekelhalus (32,4%), nukleoli (13%), homogen (6,5%), sitoplasma granuler (6,5%),sentriol (3,7%), sentromer (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) dan negatif (0,9%).Interpretasi yang sama antara 2 pengenceran dengan 3 pengenceran sebesar80,6%. Pada perhitungan uji statistik kappa, didapatkan nilai kappa sebesar 0,67.Kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profil ANA adalah sebesar 20,8%.Kesimpulan:Nilai kappa sebesar 0,67 menunjukkan kesesuaian pada tingkat good. Walaupundemikian, kesalahan interpretasi titer ANA-IFA dengan menggunakan 2pengenceran terjadi pada 19,4% kasus. Kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profilANA sebesar 20,8%. ABSTRACT Background:Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies which react with variousintranuclear antigens such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclearribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and others. Laboratory results of ANA were shownas titer and pattern. Nowadays, manufacturer recommend ANA interpretationusing Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver kit (Monkey) from Euroimmun with 1/100 and1/1000 dilutions and strong, moderate or weak fluorescence intensity. The titershould reported as 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 or >1/1000. In this research, the dilutionused were 1/100, 1/320 and 1/1000. The data were interpreted from 3 dilutionsand 2 dilutions (without 1/320 dilution), the conformity from two interpretationswere compared. There are more than 35 ANA-IFA patterns identified, with about100 autoantibodies possibility. Those patterns act as baseline identification ofautoantibodies. The test using few antigen combinations known as ANA profile.The purpose of this study also to compare the conformity of ANA-IFA pattern andANA profile.Methods:This study is a cross-sectional research in immunology laboratory RSCM duringJune-July 2015. The subjects were serum sample for ANA test. The sample was75. Data were shown as analytical descriptive data. The conformity ofinterpretation data from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions were assessed using Kappastatistical analysis.Results:The ANA-IFA pattern shown were coarse speckled (35,2%), fine speckled(32,4%), nucleolar (13%), homogenous (6,5%), granular cytoplasm (6,5%),centriole (3,7%), centromere (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) and negative (0,9%).The similar interpretation between 2 dilutions and 3 dilutions were 80,6%. Kappastatistical analysis showed Kappa score 0,67. The conformity between ANA-IFApattern and ANA profile were 20,8%.Conclusion:Kappa score 0,67 showed the conformity in good level. Nevertheless, there aremistakes of ANA-IFA interpretation using 2 dilutions in 19,4% cases. Theconformity of ANA-IFA pattern with ANA profile were 20,8%., Background:Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies which react with variousintranuclear antigens such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclearribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and others. Laboratory results of ANA were shownas titer and pattern. Nowadays, manufacturer recommend ANA interpretationusing Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver kit (Monkey) from Euroimmun with 1/100 and1/1000 dilutions and strong, moderate or weak fluorescence intensity. The titershould reported as 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 or >1/1000. In this research, the dilutionused were 1/100, 1/320 and 1/1000. The data were interpreted from 3 dilutionsand 2 dilutions (without 1/320 dilution), the conformity from two interpretationswere compared. There are more than 35 ANA-IFA patterns identified, with about100 autoantibodies possibility. Those patterns act as baseline identification ofautoantibodies. The test using few antigen combinations known as ANA profile.The purpose of this study also to compare the conformity of ANA-IFA pattern andANA profile.Methods:This study is a cross-sectional research in immunology laboratory RSCM duringJune-July 2015. The subjects were serum sample for ANA test. The sample was75. Data were shown as analytical descriptive data. The conformity ofinterpretation data from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions were assessed using Kappastatistical analysis.Results:The ANA-IFA pattern shown were coarse speckled (35,2%), fine speckled(32,4%), nucleolar (13%), homogenous (6,5%), granular cytoplasm (6,5%),centriole (3,7%), centromere (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) and negative (0,9%).The similar interpretation between 2 dilutions and 3 dilutions were 80,6%. Kappastatistical analysis showed Kappa score 0,67. The conformity between ANA-IFApattern and ANA profile were 20,8%.Conclusion:Kappa score 0,67 showed the conformity in good level. Nevertheless, there aremistakes of ANA-IFA interpretation using 2 dilutions in 19,4% cases. Theconformity of ANA-IFA pattern with ANA profile were 20,8%.] |