[ABSTRAK Tesis ini meneliti tentang keefektifan metode penilaian kinerja suatu perusahaandalam mengukur fluktuasi pada return saham. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30perusahaan yang bergerak dalam sektor barang konsumsi (consumer goodsindustry) dengan rentang waktu selama lima tahun, yaitu dari tahun 2010 hinggatahun 2014. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah return sahamsebagai variabel dependen dan Residual Income, Economic Value Added, MarketValue Added, EVA Margin, dan EVA Momentum sebagai variabel independen.Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear sederhana dengan duametode, yaitu Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) dan Panel Least Squares(Fixed Effect). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengaruh variabel independenterhadap variabel dependen berbeda-beda tergantung pada subsektor manakahperusahaan yang diteliti berada. ABSTRACT This thesis examines the effectiveness of a company?s performance measurementmethods to measure fluctuations in the stock price. Study was conducted on 30companies which engaged in the consumer goods industry with the time span offive years, which is from 2010 to 2014. Variables used in this study are the stockreturn as the dependent variable and Residual Income, Economic Value Added,Market Value Added, EVA Margin, and EVA Momentum as independentvariables. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression with two methods,Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) and Panel Least Squares (Fixed Effect). Theresult of this study is the influence of the independent variables on the dependentvariable varies depending on company?s sub-industry category, This thesis examines the effectiveness of a company’s performance measurementmethods to measure fluctuations in the stock price. Study was conducted on 30companies which engaged in the consumer goods industry with the time span offive years, which is from 2010 to 2014. Variables used in this study are the stockreturn as the dependent variable and Residual Income, Economic Value Added,Market Value Added, EVA Margin, and EVA Momentum as independentvariables. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression with two methods,Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights) and Panel Least Squares (Fixed Effect). Theresult of this study is the influence of the independent variables on the dependentvariable varies depending on company’s sub-industry category] |