[ABSTRAK Kebugaran merupakan prediktor dari penyakit degeneratif seperti penyakitkardiovaskular, diabetes mellitus dan lain sebagainya. Hasil tes kebugaran padasiswa sekolah menengah atas di kota Bogor yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatanpada tahun 2014, menyebutkan 91.29% siswa berada pada tingkat kebugarankurang dan kurang sekali. Perilaku merokok, jenis kelamin, status gizi, frekuensiolahraga, serta lingkar pinggang, kadar lipid dan tekanan darah, diperkirakanmenjadi determinan kebugaran, menurut laporan Survei Kepatuhan terhadap KTRdi Kawasan Sekolah tahun 2014, terdapat 15.18% siswa yang merokok. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk melihat apa saja determinan kebugaran kardiorespirasi padasiswa di 18 sekolah menengah atas di Kota Bogor. Disain penelitian ini crosssectionalmenggunakan tiga data sekunder Dinkes Kota Bogor, tes kebugaranmenggunakan metode TKJI untuk usia 16-19 tahun. Sampel penelitian didapatkan354 responden yang tersebar pada 18 sekolah. Pada analisis regresi logistikganda, ditemukan bahwa variabel jenis kelamin, status gizi, perilaku merokok danlingkar pinggang merupakan determinan kebugaran kardiorespirasi, denganvariabel jenis kelamin yang dominan berhubungan dengan kebugarankardiorespirasi. Perlu dibuat program gerakan hidup aktif untuk penangananmasalah gemuk dan obesitas agar adanya peningkatan kebugaran jasmani. Bagipenelitian selanjutnya, perlu penggunaan metode pengukuran kebugaran TKJIsecara lengkap atau dengan metode pengukuran yang lain seperti single-test, danpengukuran aktivitas fisik yang lebih baik lagi. ABSTRACT Fitness is predictor of degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular disease,diabetes etc. Result on fitness test among high school students at Bogor, whichwas conducted by the city district health office in 2014, mentioned that 91.29%students were on poor fitness level. Smoking behavior, sex, nutritional status,sport frequency, blood lipid, waist circumference and blood pressure wereestimated as determinant to fitness level, according to a report from Survei onAdherence of Non-Smoking Area on School Area in 2014, there are 15.18% ofstudents were smoking. This research aims to see which factors are determinant tostudent?s cardiorespiratory fitness in 18 high school at Bogor. Design of thisresearch was cross-sectional using three secondary data from Bogor DistrictHealth Office, fitness test using the TKJI method for the age of 16-19 years.Sample research obtained 354 respondents were scattered in 18 schools. Onmultiple logistic regression analysis, it was found that sex, nutritional status,smoking behavior and waist circumference are determinant to cardiorepiratoryfitness, with sex were the dominant variable associate with cardiorepiratoryfitness. The program on active lifestyle are needed to managing on overweightand obesity problem, thus increase level of fitness. For further research, fullmethod on TKJI or other fitness measurement methods such as single-test areneeded , and measurement of physical activity needs to be better again., Fitness is predictor of degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular disease,diabetes etc. Result on fitness test among high school students at Bogor, whichwas conducted by the city district health office in 2014, mentioned that 91.29%students were on poor fitness level. Smoking behavior, sex, nutritional status,sport frequency, blood lipid, waist circumference and blood pressure wereestimated as determinant to fitness level, according to a report from Survei onAdherence of Non-Smoking Area on School Area in 2014, there are 15.18% ofstudents were smoking. This research aims to see which factors are determinant tostudent’s cardiorespiratory fitness in 18 high school at Bogor. Design of thisresearch was cross-sectional using three secondary data from Bogor DistrictHealth Office, fitness test using the TKJI method for the age of 16-19 years.Sample research obtained 354 respondents were scattered in 18 schools. Onmultiple logistic regression analysis, it was found that sex, nutritional status,smoking behavior and waist circumference are determinant to cardiorepiratoryfitness, with sex were the dominant variable associate with cardiorepiratoryfitness. The program on active lifestyle are needed to managing on overweightand obesity problem, thus increase level of fitness. For further research, fullmethod on TKJI or other fitness measurement methods such as single-test areneeded , and measurement of physical activity needs to be better again.] |