[ABSTRAK Kendala utama yang dirasakan saat ini dalam melaksanakan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia, khususnya berupa jalan tol, adalah sulitnya pelaksanaan pembebasan tanah.Pembebasan tanah yang menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah,pada banyak kasus, masih sulit mendapatkan kesepakatan nilai pembebasan dengan masyarakat.Masyarakat memiliki persepsi nilai pembebasan yang tinggi, diatas nilai tanah yang dipegang pemerintah dari hasil penilaian oleh penilai profesional. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat mengenai nilai pembebasan tanah, yang meliputi faktor nilai tanah, kerugian lain yang dipertimbangkan masyarakat untuk juga diganti rugi, dan pengaruh dari beberapa kebijakan pembebasan tanah yang diterapkan pemerintah saat ini.Penelitian ini mengunakan media kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data persetujuan responden terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan yang diberikan mengenai masalah yang diteliti. Responden penelitian ini adalah para petugas pemerintah yang langsung berhubungan dengan masyarakat dalam proses negosiasi nilai. Sebagai pembanding juga diambil responden dari masyarakat pemilik tanah yang akan dibebaskan. Hasil penelitian, baik dengan responden petugas pemerintah maupun masyarakat pemilik tanah,memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat 11 faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai tanah, terdapat 5 jenis kerugian lain yang juga diminta masyarakat untuk diganti rugi dan ada 3 kebijakan pemerintah mengenai pembebasan tanah yang dapat memicu aksi spekulasi masyarakat. Dari penelitian ini juga terlihat bahwa nilai yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, tidak menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat atas nilai tanahnya. Selanjutnya, karena tanah yang dibebaskan masuk dalam pengertian Barang Milik Negara (BMN), maka penelitian ini juga melakukan simulasi untuk mengetahui dampak peningkatan nilai pembebasan tanah dalam mekanisme pemanfaatan Barang Milik Negara berupa Kerjasama Pemanfaatan, yang mensyaratkan kewajiban pembayaran kontribusi tetap dan pembagian keuntungan dari pengelola jalan tol. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa kenaikan nilai pembebasan tanah akan menyebabkan turunnya kelayakan jalan tol bagi perusahaan pengelola jalan tol. Untuk itu, pemerintah harus menurunkan, bahkan pada tingkat tertentu harus menghapuskan kewajiban pembayaran kontribusi tetap dan pembagian keuntungan ABSTRACT The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development inIndonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation ofland acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, inmany cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. Thepublic has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held bythe government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This studyintends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of landacquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public toalso be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied bythe government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting dataquestionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issuesexamined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public inthe negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from landowners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land ownersrespondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there arefive other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. Thisresearch also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not bea factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore,because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), thisresearch also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the valueof land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization formof cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of thecompany operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulationscarried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if theincreased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profitsharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the tollroad toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value ofland acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road managementcompany. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company,then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish theobligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing.;The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development inIndonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation ofland acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, inmany cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. Thepublic has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held bythe government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This studyintends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of landacquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public toalso be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied bythe government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting dataquestionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issuesexamined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public inthe negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from landowners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land ownersrespondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there arefive other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. Thisresearch also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not bea factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore,because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), thisresearch also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the valueof land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization formof cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of thecompany operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulationscarried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if theincreased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profitsharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the tollroad toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value ofland acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road managementcompany. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company,then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish theobligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing., The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development inIndonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation ofland acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, inmany cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. Thepublic has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held bythe government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This studyintends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of landacquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public toalso be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied bythe government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting dataquestionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issuesexamined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public inthe negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from landowners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land ownersrespondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there arefive other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. Thisresearch also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not bea factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore,because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), thisresearch also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the valueof land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization formof cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of thecompany operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulationscarried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if theincreased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profitsharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the tollroad toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value ofland acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road managementcompany. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company,then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish theobligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing.] |