[ABSTRAK Pasokan peralatan dalam proyek minyak dan gas membutuhkan standar danspesifikasi yang tinggi dikarenakan adanya persyaratan keamanan dan kehandalanyang juga tinggi. Keterlambatan pengiriman peralatan adalah sangat sensitifkarena sebagai dampaknya akan langsung ke seluruh proyek, sedangkanketerlambatan penyelesaian proyek akan berdampak pada produksi awal KKKS(Kemitraan Status Kontraktor). Hal ini akan mengganggu target produksi minyakdan gas dari Pemerintah Indonesia. Data operasional yang menunjukkan banyakpenundaan menjelaskan ketidakefektifan manajemen rantai pasokan di PT AMN.Kondisi ini meningkatkan keluhan dan denda dari pelanggan dan penurunanefisiensi operasional PT AMN. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan meningkatkankepuasan pelanggan, maka diperlukan evaluasi rantai pasokan yang ada danpengembangan kemampuan rantai pasokan baru. Dalam hal menentukankemampuan rantai pasokan baru dari PT AMN, diperlukan yaitu: analisia data PTAMN, kebutuhan pelanggan, penilaian internal, rantai pasokan yang ada, daftarperiksa kemampuan rantai pasokan, analisis SWOT, lima pilar, lanskap teknologirantai pasokan, game changer dan analisis manajemen risiko.Dalam hal penentuan kemampuan rantai pasokan, PT AMN dikategorikan dalamAdaptive Initiative atau disebut Inisiatif Continuous Improvement. ABSTRACT The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard andspecification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay ofequipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the wholeproject, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (PartnershipStatus Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gasproduction target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lotof delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PTAMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers whileat the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome thisproblem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existingsupply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms ofdetermining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the dataanalysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existingsupply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars,and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk managementanalysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN iscategorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives;The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard andspecification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay ofequipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the wholeproject, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (PartnershipStatus Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gasproduction target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lotof delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PTAMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers whileat the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome thisproblem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existingsupply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms ofdetermining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the dataanalysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existingsupply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars,and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk managementanalysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN iscategorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives, The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard andspecification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay ofequipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the wholeproject, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (PartnershipStatus Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gasproduction target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lotof delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PTAMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers whileat the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome thisproblem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existingsupply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms ofdetermining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the dataanalysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existingsupply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars,and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk managementanalysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN iscategorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives] |