[ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Karsinoma papiler tiroid (KPT) merupakan keganasan terseringorgan endokrin dengan prognosis yang sangat baik, namun pada beberapa kasusdapat terjadi rekurensi dan mortalitas. Beberapa faktor prognostik dan mutasi Btyperapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma V600E (BRAF V600E) dikatakanberhubungan dengan prognosis yang lebih buruk. Pemeriksaan imunohistokimiaprotein BRAF V600E dipercaya dapat mendeteksi adanya mutasi denganspesifisitas 100% dan sensitivitas 89%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuiimunoekspresi BRAF V600E dan hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor prognostik.Bahan dan Cara: Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif, desain deskriptifanalitik studi potong lintang. Sampel penelitian berasal dari RSCM berjumlah 50kasus KPT yang dinilai ulang untuk menentukan faktor-faktor prognostik secaramikroskopik. Pemeriksaaan mutasi BRAF V600E menggunakan tehnikimunohistokimia dan penilaian menggunakan H score.Hasil: Nilai H score ³ 326,5 ditentukan sebagai mutasi BRAF V600E positif dan< 326,5 sebagai mutasi BRAF V600E negatif. Terdapat 17 (34%) kasus positifmengalami mutasi BRAF V600E. Rerata usia pada kasus dengan mutasi BRAF V600Epositif adalah 44,71 tahun. Ukuran tumor pada kasus dengan mutasi BRAF V600E positifberkisar antara 0,1-4cm. Tujuh belas kasus yang mengalami mutasi, 6 dlaki-laki dan 11perempuan. Tujuh kasus dengan perluasan keluar tiroid, 11 kasus dengan metastasiskelenjar getah bening (KGB), dan 8 kasus dengan varian histopatologik tall cell.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara mutasi BRAF V600E denganperluasan keluar tiroid, metastasis kelenjar getah bening (KGB), dan varianhistopatologik tall cell. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara mutasi BRAFV600E dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan ukuran tumor. ABSTRACT Backgroud: Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malignantneoplasm of the endocrine organ with an excellent prognosis, but in some casespresent with recurrency and mortality. There are prognostic factors and BRAFV600E mutation that related to worse prognosis. Immunohistochemicalinvestigetion of BRAF V600E protein believe can detect mutation wth 100%specificity and 89% sensitivity. Recent study suggest PTC with BRAF V600Emutation do thyroidectomy with prophylactic lymph node dissection. BRAFV600E specific inhibitor effective to the patient with advance stadium, patientwith metastases, and resistant to iodium radioactive. Aim of this study is to obtainBRAF V600E and the relation with prognostic factors.Material and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive-analytic crosssectionalstudy. Fifty patient with PTC comes from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospitaland reviewed to determine prognostic factors microscopicaly. BRAF V600Emutation detected by immunohistochemical staining and assesed with H score.Result: H score ³ 326,5 determined as positive BRAF V600E mutation and <326,5 as negative BRAF V600E mutation. BRAF V600E mutation was detectedin 17 (34%) cases by immunohistochemistry. The mean age of the cases withpositive BRAF V600E mutation was 44.71 years, while the negative 41.58. Thesize of the tumor in cases with BRAF V600E mutation positive range between0,1-4cm, while negative 0,1-9cm. Seventeen cases have mutations, 6 of them sexmale and 11 female. Seven cases with extrathyroidal extension (ETE), 11 caseswith lymph node metastasis (KGB), and 8 cases with tall cell variant.Conclusion: There are significant correlation between BRAF V600E mutationwith extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, and tall cell variant. Thereare no significant correlation between BRAF V600E mutation with age, gender,and size of the tumor, Backgroud: Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malignantneoplasm of the endocrine organ with an excellent prognosis, but in some casespresent with recurrency and mortality. There are prognostic factors and BRAFV600E mutation that related to worse prognosis. Immunohistochemicalinvestigetion of BRAF V600E protein believe can detect mutation wth 100%specificity and 89% sensitivity. Recent study suggest PTC with BRAF V600Emutation do thyroidectomy with prophylactic lymph node dissection. BRAFV600E specific inhibitor effective to the patient with advance stadium, patientwith metastases, and resistant to iodium radioactive. Aim of this study is to obtainBRAF V600E and the relation with prognostic factors.Material and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive-analytic crosssectionalstudy. Fifty patient with PTC comes from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospitaland reviewed to determine prognostic factors microscopicaly. BRAF V600Emutation detected by immunohistochemical staining and assesed with H score.Result: H score ³ 326,5 determined as positive BRAF V600E mutation and <326,5 as negative BRAF V600E mutation. BRAF V600E mutation was detectedin 17 (34%) cases by immunohistochemistry. The mean age of the cases withpositive BRAF V600E mutation was 44.71 years, while the negative 41.58. Thesize of the tumor in cases with BRAF V600E mutation positive range between0,1-4cm, while negative 0,1-9cm. Seventeen cases have mutations, 6 of them sexmale and 11 female. Seven cases with extrathyroidal extension (ETE), 11 caseswith lymph node metastasis (KGB), and 8 cases with tall cell variant.Conclusion: There are significant correlation between BRAF V600E mutationwith extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, and tall cell variant. Thereare no significant correlation between BRAF V600E mutation with age, gender,and size of the tumor] |