[ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Interpretasi cairan peritoneum yang tepat secara sitopatologi sangatmempengaruhi tatalaksana dan prognosis pasien, padahal pemeriksaan sitopatologi cairanperitoneum masih memiliki nilai negatif palsu dan positif palsu yang cukup tinggi, danhingga saat ini penelitian tentang arsitektur sitopatologi maupun penanda sitomorfologi yangmengarahkan pada adanya sel neoplasma di cairan peritoneum masih menunjukkan hasilyang beragam.Bahan dan cara kerja: Penelitian potong lintang dengan data sekunder berupa slaiddan formulir sediaan sitopatologi cairan peritoneum yang memiliki data berpasangan dengandiagnosis histopatologi. Diagnosis klinis berupa neoplasma epitelial ovarium. Slaid danformulir diambil dari arsip Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM tahun 2011 ? 2012,dilakukan pembacaan ulang semua slaid sitopatologi dengan diagnosis akhir dikategorikansebagai positif atau negatif, peneliti membaca pula sediaan histopatologi untuk mengetahuimorfologi sel pada lesi, kemudiaan dilakukan penilaian terhadap arsitektur sitopatologiberupa: selularitas, sel berkelompok, struktur papiler, intercelular windows, group contours,jisim psamoma, dan penanda sitomorfologi berupa: atipia inti, inti bertumpuk, anak inti,rasio inti:sitoplasma, ukuran inti, dan ukuran sel.Hasil penelitian: Sampel penelitian sejumlah 47 sediaan sitopatologi dengandiagnosis sitopatologi akhir 34 kasus (72.3%) negatif, 13 kasus (27.7%) positif. Terdapatperbedaan bermakna arsitektur sitopatologi berupa: selularitas (p = 0.017), sel berkelompok(p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00), dan gambaransitomorfologi berupa: atipia inti (p = 0.00), inti bertumpuk (p = 0.001), anak inti (p = 0.001),rasio inti:sitoplasma (p = 0.00), ukuran inti (p = 0.00), ukuran sel (p = 0.00) antara cairanperitoneum positif dan negatif. Melalui uji multivariat didapatkan penanda yang palingberpengaruh terhadap diagnosis sitopatologi positif atau negatif yaitu: intercellular windows,atipia inti, dan selularitas.Kesimpulan: Terdapat tiga penanda yang paling berpengaruh terhadap diagnosispositif ditemukannya sel neoplasma ganas dalam cairan peritoneum pada kasus dengan lesiovarium, secara berturut - turut yaitu: tidak ditemukannya intercellular windows padakelompokan sel, sel memiliki atipia inti sedang hingga berat, dan selularitas lebih dari 20kelompok dari keseluruhan sediaan apus. ABSTRACT Background : Peritoneal fluid cytopathology interpretation profoundly influences patientsmanagement and prognosis, however this practice still has high false positive and falsenegative value, and until now research concerning the architectural and cytomorphologyfeatures for detecting malignant cells in peritoneal fluid still has various result.Materials and Methods : Cross sectional study using secondary data of peritoneal fluidcytopathology and histopathology slides and form, from patients with clinical diagnosis ofovarian epithelial neoplasm. The data was taken from the archive of Anatomical PathologyDepartment Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2011 ? 2012. The researchers examined thecytopathology slides and also examined the histopatology slide for morphology comparison,and then make a final cytopathological diagnosis of positive peritoneal fluid containingneoplastic cells or negative. Architectural features including: cellularity, cells grouping,papillary structure, intercellular windows, group contours, psamoma bodies, andcytomorphology features including: nuclear atypia, overlapping nuclei, nucleoli, nuclei :cytoplasm ratio, the dimension of the nuclei and cells were also examined.Result : There were 47 samples with final cytopathology diagnosis: 34 cases (72.3%)negative for neoplastic cells in the peritoneal fluid and 13 cases (27.7%) positive. There weresignificant differences in cytopathology architectural including cellularity (p = 0.017), cellsgrouping (p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00) andcytomorphology features including nuclear atypia (p = 0.00), overlapping nuclei (p = 0.001),nucleoli (p =0.001), nuclei : cytoplasm ratio (p = 0.00), the dimension of nuclei (p = 0.00),the dimension of cell (p = 0.00) between the positive and negative peritoneal fluidcytopathology. Using multivariate analysis there were 3 cytological features that have thestrongest association with positive or negative peritoneal cytopathology diagnosis, they were:intercellular windows, nuclear atypia, and cellularity.Conclusion: In peritoneal fluid cytopathology for examining ovarian lesion there were 3cytological features that have the strongest association with finding neoplastic cells inperitoneal fluid, they were: the absent of intercellular windows, moderate to severecytological atypia, and cellularity more than 20 groups in all smear preparation, Background : Peritoneal fluid cytopathology interpretation profoundly influences patientsmanagement and prognosis, however this practice still has high false positive and falsenegative value, and until now research concerning the architectural and cytomorphologyfeatures for detecting malignant cells in peritoneal fluid still has various result.Materials and Methods : Cross sectional study using secondary data of peritoneal fluidcytopathology and histopathology slides and form, from patients with clinical diagnosis ofovarian epithelial neoplasm. The data was taken from the archive of Anatomical PathologyDepartment Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2011 – 2012. The researchers examined thecytopathology slides and also examined the histopatology slide for morphology comparison,and then make a final cytopathological diagnosis of positive peritoneal fluid containingneoplastic cells or negative. Architectural features including: cellularity, cells grouping,papillary structure, intercellular windows, group contours, psamoma bodies, andcytomorphology features including: nuclear atypia, overlapping nuclei, nucleoli, nuclei :cytoplasm ratio, the dimension of the nuclei and cells were also examined.Result : There were 47 samples with final cytopathology diagnosis: 34 cases (72.3%)negative for neoplastic cells in the peritoneal fluid and 13 cases (27.7%) positive. There weresignificant differences in cytopathology architectural including cellularity (p = 0.017), cellsgrouping (p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00) andcytomorphology features including nuclear atypia (p = 0.00), overlapping nuclei (p = 0.001),nucleoli (p =0.001), nuclei : cytoplasm ratio (p = 0.00), the dimension of nuclei (p = 0.00),the dimension of cell (p = 0.00) between the positive and negative peritoneal fluidcytopathology. Using multivariate analysis there were 3 cytological features that have thestrongest association with positive or negative peritoneal cytopathology diagnosis, they were:intercellular windows, nuclear atypia, and cellularity.Conclusion: In peritoneal fluid cytopathology for examining ovarian lesion there were 3cytological features that have the strongest association with finding neoplastic cells inperitoneal fluid, they were: the absent of intercellular windows, moderate to severecytological atypia, and cellularity more than 20 groups in all smear preparation] |