[ABSTRAK Tesis ini secara spesifik dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui formulasi pembagianbagi hasil, mengurai dan menganalisis pola bagi hasil ditinjau dari konsep islamdan mengukur kepuasan pekerja yang menerima upah dengan pola bagi hasil diRestoran Sederhana. Ketertarikan penulis untuk melakukan penelitian ini yaitudikarenakan melihat fenomena aksi buruh yang tiada henti atas tuntutan kenaikanupah minimum setiap tahunnya, sehingga harapannya penelitian ini dapat menjadireferensi untuk mencari solusi alternatif menyelesaikan masalah tersebut secaraislam yaitu penerapan upah bagi hasil. Dalam penelitian ini dipergunakan metodedeskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu dengan menggunakan uji korelasiantara variabel dependent dan independent. Adapun yang menjadi variabelindependent adalah kepuasan kerja dan yang menjadi variabel dependen adalahbagi hasil. Responden berjumlah 50 orang pekerja Restoran sederhana. Hasil daripenelitian ini adalah Pembagian hasil usaha yang dilaksanakan Restoransederhana adalah setiap 100 hari sekali. Adapun formulasi pembagian nisbah bagipekerja Restoran Sederhana yaitu dengan penentuan poin oleh manajermenggajian. Setelah diperoleh jumlah poin per pekerja, selanjutnya dihitungjumlah pendapatan per 100 hari yang diperoleh dari nilai nominal per poindikalikan dengan jumlah poin. Setelah diketahui total pendapatan kemudiandibagi 100 untuk mengetahui pendapatan per hari. Karena pendapatan per hariakan dijadikan nominal pengurangan atas ketidakhadiran pekerja per hari. Selainpotongan ketidakhadiran, ada potongan lain yang akan mempengaruhipengurangan total pendapatan, diantaranya sebagai berikut: Pinjaman untukkebutuhan sehari-hari, ?Dayo? Pekerja dan Hari Ferai (absen).Sistem dan mekanisme bagi hasil yang diterapkan Restoran sederhana dalamekonomi Islam dikenal dengan al-musyarakah, persentase bagi hasil yangdiperoleh pekerja Restoran Sederhana sebesar 50% dari total profit bersihperusahaan. Selain itu, upah yang diperoleh pekerja sudah memenuhi kriteria upahsecara Islam, yaitu adil dan layak.Berdasarkan hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa bagi hasil memberi pengaruhsecara signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar nilai R square = 0.764 (padaTabel 4.7). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa 76.4% dari varians Kepuasan Kerja dapatdijelaskan oleh perubahan dalam bagi hasil. Sedangkan 23.6% sisanyadijelaskan oleh faktor lain di luar bagi hasil. ABSTRACT This thesis specifically intended to formulate wage payment based on profitsharing, differentiate and analyze profit sharing pattern reviewed from Islamicconcept, and measure worker?s satisfaction level as the receiving end from profitsharing pattern in Restoran Sederhana. Writer?s interest towards this topic is basedon relentless laborer strike demanding higher minimum wage every single year,hoping this research can be a reference to find alternative solution to this problemin Islamic way, by implementing profit sharing wage. Descriptive method withquantitative approach is used in this research, by using correlation test betweendependent and independent variable. Work satisfaction level is defined asindependent variable and the profit sharing as dependent variable. A total of 50respondent are workers in Restoran Sederhana. This research shows profit sharingexecuted in Restoran Sederhana is once per 100 days. While formulation ofdivision ratio for Restoran Sederhana workers based on point by salary manager.After every worker?s points are acquired, then counts the total profit per 100 dayswhich is nominal value per point times total points. After total profit value isknown, divide by 100 to acquire the sum of daily profit. Daily profit will be areduction nominal in case of workers absence per day. Besides absence reduction,other reduction will impact total profit reduction, for instance: Loans for dailyneeds, worker?s ?Dayo? and Ferai Day (absence)Profit sharing system and mechanism implemented by Restoran Sederhana inIslamic economy is known as al-musyarakah, profit sharing percentage forworkers is 50% from company?s total net profit. Moreover, wage for workers hassatisfied wage criteria in Islam, which has to be fair and adequate.Based on statistic, it shows that profit sharing has significant impact on workerssatisfaction level with R squared = 0.764 (Table 4.7). It shows that 76.4% ofWork Satisfaction is explained on changes in profit sharing. While the rest(23.6%) explained by another factors outside profit sharing., This thesis specifically intended to formulate wage payment based on profitsharing, differentiate and analyze profit sharing pattern reviewed from Islamicconcept, and measure worker’s satisfaction level as the receiving end from profitsharing pattern in Restoran Sederhana. Writer’s interest towards this topic is basedon relentless laborer strike demanding higher minimum wage every single year,hoping this research can be a reference to find alternative solution to this problemin Islamic way, by implementing profit sharing wage. Descriptive method withquantitative approach is used in this research, by using correlation test betweendependent and independent variable. Work satisfaction level is defined asindependent variable and the profit sharing as dependent variable. A total of 50respondent are workers in Restoran Sederhana. This research shows profit sharingexecuted in Restoran Sederhana is once per 100 days. While formulation ofdivision ratio for Restoran Sederhana workers based on point by salary manager.After every worker’s points are acquired, then counts the total profit per 100 dayswhich is nominal value per point times total points. After total profit value isknown, divide by 100 to acquire the sum of daily profit. Daily profit will be areduction nominal in case of workers absence per day. Besides absence reduction,other reduction will impact total profit reduction, for instance: Loans for dailyneeds, worker’s “Dayo” and Ferai Day (absence)Profit sharing system and mechanism implemented by Restoran Sederhana inIslamic economy is known as al-musyarakah, profit sharing percentage forworkers is 50% from company’s total net profit. Moreover, wage for workers hassatisfied wage criteria in Islam, which has to be fair and adequate.Based on statistic, it shows that profit sharing has significant impact on workerssatisfaction level with R squared = 0.764 (Table 4.7). It shows that 76.4% ofWork Satisfaction is explained on changes in profit sharing. While the rest(23.6%) explained by another factors outside profit sharing.] |