Balita pneumonia mengalami batuh napas cepat dan bunyi napas ronkhi. Madu memiliki efek antimikroba dan antibodi yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan agen mikroba penyebab pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu terhadap frekuensi batuk, frekuensi napas dan bunyi napas balita pneumonia. Desain penelitian quasi experimental nonequivalent control group before afier. Jumlah sampel 34 balita dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Margirnl Homogeni$t, Pair t Test, Mc Nemar, Kolmogorov Smirnov, Fisher Exact, dan Independent t test. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya perbedaan bermakna frekuensi batuk (p:0,001), frekuensi napas (p:0,0001), dan bunyi napas (p=0,012) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi sesudah pemberian madu. Rekomendasi penelitian adalah perlu menerapkan evidence based nursing practice pemberian madu padabalita pneumonia untuk menurunkan batuk, frekuensi napas, dan bunyi ronkhi. Children underfive with pneumonia hove cough, rapid breathing ond breath sounds ronchi. Honey has antimicrobial fficts and antibodies that can inhibit the growth of microbes thst cause pneumonia agents. This study aims to determine the ffict of honey on the frequency of cough, respiratory rate and breath sounds on ihildren under five with pneumonia. Quasi-experimental research design nonequivalent control group before after. Ihe sample number consist of 34 children with a consecutive sampling technique. Data analysis used Marginal HomogeniQt, Pair t Test, Mc Nemar, Kolmogorov Smirnov, Fisher Exact ond Independent t test. Results of the study showed significant differences in the frequency of cough (p : 0.001), respiratory rate (p : a.0001), and breath sounds (p : 0.012) between the control and the intervention group. Recommendntions research is need to implement evidence-based nursing practice giving honey to the children under five with pneumonia to reduce cough, respiratory rate, and breath sounds ronchi |