[ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Ventilasi mekanik (VM) adalah prosedur yang dipilih untukmenyelamatkan bayi dalam kondisi kritis, tetapi merupakan tindakan invasif danperlu pemantauan ketat untuk menghindari barotrauma dan volutrauma.Ekstubasi merupakan upaya untuk penyapihan VM.Tujuan: Mengetahui berapa prevalens keberhasilan ekstubasi dan prediktor apayang berperan dalam keberhasilan ekstubasi pada bayi di NICU RSCM.Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitikdengan desain potong lintang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektifdengan menggunakan data RM yang lengkap untuk melihat prediktor keberhasilanekstubasi.Hasil: Dari 60 RM yang dikumpukan, diperoleh data bayi yang berhasildiekstubasi dan data dicatat tanda vital 72 jam kemudian didapatkan 55 (91,7%)bayi yang berhasil diekstubasi dan 5 (8,3%) bayi tidak berhasil. Karakteristiksubyek penelitian adalah semua bayi yang dirawat di NICU, dengan UG antara 22- 41 minggu dan BL berkisar antara 820 g sd 4100 g. Pada bayi yang diekstubasidengan merujuk pada hasil AGD, tidak berbeda bermakna antara keberhasilanekstubasi dengan normal tidaknya nilai AGD. Lama pemakaian VM berkisarantara 1- 30 hari. Prediktor ekstubasi yang diteliti adalah setting VM meliputiFiO2, PIP, flow trigger, IT, napas spontan, dan hasil AGD. Pengolahan datadengan regresi logistik terbukti diantara semua prediktor ekstubasi, hanya FiO2saja yang bermakna dengan p value 0.057 dan OR 0.76.Simpulan: Prevalens keberhasilan ekstubasi adalah 91.7%. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkaan bahwa hanya rendahnya setting FiO2 yang terbukti secara statistiksebagai prediktor keberhasilan ekstubasi. ABSTRACT Background: Mechanical ventilation (VM) is a procedure which is chosen tosave the baby in critical condition, bu it is an invasive procedure and need closemonitoring to avoid barotrauma and volutrauma. Extubation was an attempt toweaning VM.Objective: To determine prevalence and predictors of successful extubation ininfants in the NICU RSCM.Methods: The study was design observational analytic research with crosssectional design. Data collected by retrospectively using complete medical record(MR) data to decided prevalence and predictors of successful extubation.Results: Of the 60 MR was collected, the data obtained were successfullyextubated infants and data recorded vital signs 72 hours later obtained 55 (91.7%)infants were successfully extubated and 5 (8.3%) infants did not succees.Characteristics of the study subjects were all babies admitted to the NICU,with GA between 22-41 weeks and BW ranged from 820 g up to 4100 g. Referto the results of blood gas analysis (BGA) normal or not was not significantlydifferent between succesful extubated. Long of used MV ranging between 1 to30 days. Predictors of extubation were studied were MV settings include FiO2,PIP, flow trigger, IT, spontaneous breath, and the results of BGA. Processing ofdata by logistic regresion among all predictors extubation, only setting FiO2 aresignificant with p value 0.057 and OR 0.76.Conclusion: Prevalence successful extubation is 91.7%. Research results thatonly the low setting FiO2 statistically proven as a predictor of extubation, Background: Mechanical ventilation (VM) is a procedure which is chosen tosave the baby in critical condition, bu it is an invasive procedure and need closemonitoring to avoid barotrauma and volutrauma. Extubation was an attempt toweaning VM.Objective: To determine prevalence and predictors of successful extubation ininfants in the NICU RSCM.Methods: The study was design observational analytic research with crosssectional design. Data collected by retrospectively using complete medical record(MR) data to decided prevalence and predictors of successful extubation.Results: Of the 60 MR was collected, the data obtained were successfullyextubated infants and data recorded vital signs 72 hours later obtained 55 (91.7%)infants were successfully extubated and 5 (8.3%) infants did not succees.Characteristics of the study subjects were all babies admitted to the NICU,with GA between 22-41 weeks and BW ranged from 820 g up to 4100 g. Referto the results of blood gas analysis (BGA) normal or not was not significantlydifferent between succesful extubated. Long of used MV ranging between 1 to30 days. Predictors of extubation were studied were MV settings include FiO2,PIP, flow trigger, IT, spontaneous breath, and the results of BGA. Processing ofdata by logistic regresion among all predictors extubation, only setting FiO2 aresignificant with p value 0.057 and OR 0.76.Conclusion: Prevalence successful extubation is 91.7%. Research results thatonly the low setting FiO2 statistically proven as a predictor of extubation] |