[ABSTRAK Remaja merupakan kelompok berisiko untuk perilaku seksual. Dampak perilakuseksual berisiko remaja mengalami perasaan bersalah, depresi, putus sekolah,kehamilan tidak diinginkan, sampai aborsi. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasihubungan fungsi afektif keluarga dengan perilaku seksual berisiko yang terjadipada remaja. Jumlah sampel penelitian 108 responden, rancangan menggunakancross sectional, dan tehnik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara fungsi afektif keluargadengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja (p value<0,05). Hasil penelitianmenjadi masukan bagi orang tua untuk meningkatkan fungsi afektif keluargadengan memberikan afektif fisik, membina keakraban serta komunikasi asertifdalam menanamkan norma dan harapan keluarga untuk mencegah perilaku seksualberisiko pada remaja. ABSTRACT Adolescents are at risk to risky sexual behavior. Risky sexual behavior may lead tothe feelings of guilt, depression, dropping out of school, unwanted pregnancy andabortion. The purpose of this research was to identify the relationships betweenaffective function of families and risky sexual behavior in adolescents. This studyused cross sectional design. The number of 108 respondents were selected usingsimple random sampling. The results showed that there was a significantrelationship between family affective functions and sexual risk behavior inadolescents (p value < 0,05). This study recommends parents to stengthen theirfamily fuction through providing physical affective, improving family engagement,and enhancing assertive communication in living the norm and creating the familyexpectation, that eventually would protect adolescent from risky sexual behaviour., Adolescents are at risk to risky sexual behavior. Risky sexual behavior may lead tothe feelings of guilt, depression, dropping out of school, unwanted pregnancy andabortion. The purpose of this research was to identify the relationships betweenaffective function of families and risky sexual behavior in adolescents. This studyused cross sectional design. The number of 108 respondents were selected usingsimple random sampling. The results showed that there was a significantrelationship between family affective functions and sexual risk behavior inadolescents (p value < 0,05). This study recommends parents to stengthen theirfamily fuction through providing physical affective, improving family engagement,and enhancing assertive communication in living the norm and creating the familyexpectation, that eventually would protect adolescent from risky sexual behaviour.] |