[ABSTRAK Penelitian membahas implementasi kebijakan rehabilitasi sosial penyandangdisabilitas mental melalui UILS di Tebet, Jakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalahkualitatif, dengan fokus penelitian pada proses pelaksanaan rehabilitasi sosial bagipenyandang disabilitas mental, peran stakeholder dalam pelaksanaan UILS, sertamengetahui tantangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Informan kunci sebanyak 14 orangyang merupakan berbagai perwakilan dari pemerintah, penyelenggara pelayanan,dan PDM penerima manfaat, dengan berbagai variasi latar belakang gangguan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rehabilitasi melalui UILS dapat berjalandengan baik dan memberikan manfaat terhadap penyandang disabilitas mental dankeluarga, namun kualitasnya perlu dikembangkan. Kekuatan terletak padakerjasama dan koordinasi antar stakeholder. Tantangan dalam pengembangannyamenyangkut sumber daya SDM pelaksana, informasi, dan jaringan. ABSTRACT This research discusses the implementation of social rehabilitation for Peoplewith Mental Disability (PwMD), through the UILS Tebet, Jakarta. The methodused was qualitative analysis, which focuses on the implementation process ofsocial rehabilitation for PwMD. The study describes roles of various stakeholdersinvolved in the services, and the constraints faced in implementing rehabilitativeprocess. The key informants in this research are 14 persons, who have beeninvolved in the UILS. They are representing various stakeholders such asgovernment representatives, UILS staff members, and the beneficiaries. Theresearch shows that social rehabilitation through the UILS is workable and givebenefit for PwMD and theirs family, yet it could be further improved. The strengthof services laid on coordination and cooperation among various stakeholders.Meanwhile, the constraints related to various factors, including: humanresources, information, and networking., This research discusses the implementation of social rehabilitation for Peoplewith Mental Disability (PwMD), through the UILS Tebet, Jakarta. The methodused was qualitative analysis, which focuses on the implementation process ofsocial rehabilitation for PwMD. The study describes roles of various stakeholdersinvolved in the services, and the constraints faced in implementing rehabilitativeprocess. The key informants in this research are 14 persons, who have beeninvolved in the UILS. They are representing various stakeholders such asgovernment representatives, UILS staff members, and the beneficiaries. Theresearch shows that social rehabilitation through the UILS is workable and givebenefit for PwMD and theirs family, yet it could be further improved. The strengthof services laid on coordination and cooperation among various stakeholders.Meanwhile, the constraints related to various factors, including: humanresources, information, and networking.] |