[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dan menelaah strategiperjuangan hak kaum tani oleh La Via Campesina yang berperan sebagai aktorgerakan sosial transnasional sekaligus sebagai ideas kaum tani itu sendiri. Sebagaiaktor gerakan sosial transnasional, La Via Campesina dibangun dari elemenidentitas, solidaritas, tujuan bersama, dan aksi kolektif yang berkelanjutan, denganpergerakan dari level lokal, nasional, regional, hingga internasional. Sedangkansebagai ideas, La Via Campesina bergerak membawa ide, nilai-nilai, dan normakaum tani dari level lokal hingga ke tataran internasional untuk memperjuangkanhak-hak kaum tani. Ide alternatif yang dibangun oleh La Via Campesina untukmemperjuangkan hak kaum tani adalah dengan menawarkan konsep kedaulatanpangan dan reforma agraria yang diarusutamakan kedalam pembentukan normahak asasi petani yang kemudian diperjuangkan melalui proses institusionalisasinorma hak asasi petani La Via Campesina di Dewan HAM PBB, agar terbentukkonvensi hak asasi petani sebagai instrumen baru dalam mekanisme norma HAMinternasional PBB yang akan melindungi hak-hak kaum tani didunia. Strategiperjuangan yang dilakukan oleh La Via Campesina dalam penelitian ini adalahstrategi kampanye, aksi kolektif, mobilisasi, jaringan, persuasi, dan advokasi. ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate and examine the strategy of the fight for peasantryrights by La Via Campesina, who takes role as a transnational social movementactor as well as ideas for the peasantry itself. As a transnational social movementactor, La Via Campesina is developed from elements of identity, solidarity,common goals, and sustainable collective actions, whose movements ranged fromlocal, national, regional, and international level. Meanwhile, as ideas, La ViaCampesina brings up the ideas, values, and norms of the peasantry from locallevel to international boards to fight for the peasantry rights. One alternative ideadeveloped by La Via Campesina for the fight of peasantry rights is to offer theconcept of food sovereignty and agrarian reform to be mainstreamed into theformation of norms of peasants rights which then fought through theinstitutionalization process of norms of the peasants rights of the La ViaCampesina at the Human Rights Council, in order to form peasants rightsconventions as a new instrument in the norms mechanism of the UN internationalhuman rights that would protect the peasantry rights in the world. The strategy ofthe fight waged by La Via Campesina in this study is a strategy of campaign,collective actions, mobilization, networking, persuasion, and advocacy, This study aims to investigate and examine the strategy of the fight for peasantryrights by La Via Campesina, who takes role as a transnational social movementactor as well as ideas for the peasantry itself. As a transnational social movementactor, La Via Campesina is developed from elements of identity, solidarity,common goals, and sustainable collective actions, whose movements ranged fromlocal, national, regional, and international level. Meanwhile, as ideas, La ViaCampesina brings up the ideas, values, and norms of the peasantry from locallevel to international boards to fight for the peasantry rights. One alternative ideadeveloped by La Via Campesina for the fight of peasantry rights is to offer theconcept of food sovereignty and agrarian reform to be mainstreamed into theformation of norms of peasants rights which then fought through theinstitutionalization process of norms of the peasants rights of the La ViaCampesina at the Human Rights Council, in order to form peasants rightsconventions as a new instrument in the norms mechanism of the UN internationalhuman rights that would protect the peasantry rights in the world. The strategy ofthe fight waged by La Via Campesina in this study is a strategy of campaign,collective actions, mobilization, networking, persuasion, and advocacy] |