[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pola, perbedaan dan determinan sosioekonomidan psikologi-orientasi sosial preferensi fertilitas pria kawin usia 15-54tahun di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari Survei Demografi danKesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012 dan dianalisi secara analisis deskriptifdan inferensial dengan menggunakan model logistik biner. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor pendidikan pria dan pasangan, jenis pekerjaanpria, indeks kekayaan rumah tangga, preferensi komposisi jenis kelamin anak,akses media, diskusi KB dan peran istri dalam pengambilan keputusan rumahtangga memengaruhi preferensi fertilitas pria kawin di Indonesia. Faktor-faktorpenguat mempunyai pengaruh paling kuat terhadap preferensi fertilitas, yaitupreferensi komposisi jenis kelamin anak dan indeks kekayaan. ABSTRACT This research aims to study the socio-economic and psychological-socialorientation patterns, differentials and determinants of fertility preference amongmerried men aged 15-54 years in Indonesia. The data used come from the 2012Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS). The data were analyzeddescriptively and inferentially using a binary logistic model. The results of thestady show that the education and couple?s education, occupation, index ofhousehold wealth, children?s sex composition preference, media access, discusionfamily planning and couple?s autonomy in household decision-making statisticallyhave significant effects on the ideal number of children among married men aged15-54 years. The most significant factor is the children?s sex compositionpreference, followed by the wealth index., This research aims to study the socio-economic and psychological-socialorientation patterns, differentials and determinants of fertility preference amongmerried men aged 15-54 years in Indonesia. The data used come from the 2012Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS). The data were analyzeddescriptively and inferentially using a binary logistic model. The results of thestady show that the education and couple’s education, occupation, index ofhousehold wealth, children’s sex composition preference, media access, discusionfamily planning and couple’s autonomy in household decision-making statisticallyhave significant effects on the ideal number of children among married men aged15-54 years. The most significant factor is the children’s sex compositionpreference, followed by the wealth index.] |