[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan program pelayanan luar lembaga diPusat Pengembangan Pelayanan Sosial Anak (P3SA) serta melihat kendala yangditemukan dalam pelaksanaanya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengandesain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pelayanan luarlembaga merupakan program yang ada karena adanya kebijakan Standar NasionalPengasuhan Anak (SNPA). Dalam pelaksanaannya ditemukan kendala dalam halsumber daya manusia, sistem pendampingan, dan kebijakan yang terkait denganprogram, dan menyarankan agar P3SA/SDC lebih jauh lagi terlibat dalampendampingan kepada penerima manfaat terutama dalam pelaksanaan FDS danCDS yang merupakan kegiatan utama dari program pelayanan luar lembaga. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the implementation of an external service program at theChild Development Center of Social Services (SDC) and see the constraints thatare found in practice. This study is a qualitative research with descriptive design .The results showed that an external service program is an existing programbecause of the policy of the National Childcare Standards. Found in theimplementation constraints in terms of human resources , guidance systems , andpolicies related to the program , and suggested that P3SA / SDC further involvedin the assistance to the beneficiaries , especially in the implementation of the FDSand CDS which is the main activity of the service program outside the institution ,, This thesis discusses the implementation of an external service program at theChild Development Center of Social Services (SDC) and see the constraints thatare found in practice. This study is a qualitative research with descriptive design .The results showed that an external service program is an existing programbecause of the policy of the National Childcare Standards. Found in theimplementation constraints in terms of human resources , guidance systems , andpolicies related to the program , and suggested that P3SA / SDC further involvedin the assistance to the beneficiaries , especially in the implementation of the FDSand CDS which is the main activity of the service program outside the institution ,] |