[ABSTRAK Keluarga yang merawat anak dengan gagal ginjal kronik terutama yang mendapatterapi hemodialisis memiliki masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengeksplorasi pengalaman keluarga dalam merawat anak gagal ginjal kronikyang mendapat terapi hemodialisis. Metode penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif dengan cara wawancara mendalam kepada 7partisipan. Partisipan adalah keluarga yang merawat anak selama minimal 1 bulanterakhir dan sedang menjalani terapi hemodialisis di RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo Jakarta. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik Collaizi danmenghasilkan 5 tema, yaitu 1) respon keluarga terhadap perawatan anak, 2)strategi koping yang dibangun keluarga, 3) dampak merawat anak bagi keluarga,,4) upaya dukungan sosial yang diberikan keluarga, 5) perubahan pada anak yangmenjalani terapi hemodialisis menurut persepsi keluarga. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa keluarga yang merawat anak memiliki permasalahan yangkompleks. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi informasi dasar untukmengembangkan program dalam menerapkan asuhan yang berpusat padakeluarga. ABSTRACT Families who care for children with chronic renal failure who received therapywill have vulnerable occurrence problem. This study aim to explore theexperience of families in caring for children with chronic renal failure receivinghemodialysis therapy. This research method is using descriptivephenomenological approach with in-depth interviews to 7 participants.Participants are families who care for the child for at least one month past isundergoing hemodialysis therapy in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Data wasanalyzed by Collaizi so as to obtain 5 themes, namely the family's response tochild care, family coping strategy, the impact of child care for families, familysupport and changes of children undergoing hemodialysis therapy related tofamily perception. These results indicate that the families who care for childrenhave complex problems. This study endorse to develop program based on familycenteredcare, Families who care for children with chronic renal failure who received therapywill have vulnerable occurrence problem. This study aim to explore theexperience of families in caring for children with chronic renal failure receivinghemodialysis therapy. This research method is using descriptivephenomenological approach with in-depth interviews to 7 participants.Participants are families who care for the child for at least one month past isundergoing hemodialysis therapy in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Data wasanalyzed by Collaizi so as to obtain 5 themes, namely the family's response tochild care, family coping strategy, the impact of child care for families, familysupport and changes of children undergoing hemodialysis therapy related tofamily perception. These results indicate that the families who care for childrenhave complex problems. This study endorse to develop program based on familycenteredcare] |