[ABSTRAK Pada kehamilan dibutuhkan asupan zat gizi yang adekuat untuk menunjangpembelahan sel dan pertumbuhan yang cepat. Seng merupakan kofaktor dari hampirsekitar 200 enzim yang berperan penting dalam embryogenesis. Defisiensi sengberhubungan dengan komplikasi pada ibu selama kehamilan dan persalinan sertagangguan pertumbuhan dan kelainan kongenital pada janin. Konsentrasi sengserum menurun sejak kehamilan trimester pertama hingga ketiga. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian dengan desain potong lintang yang bertujuan untukmengetahui korelasi antara konsentrasi seng serum maternal dengan tali pusat padakehamilan trimester ketiga. Penelitian dilakukan di 10 puskesmas di Jakarta Timurpada bulan Maret 2015 sampai bulan April 2015. Pengambilan subyek dilakukandengan cara konsekutif dan didapatkan 63 orang subyek yang memenuhi kriteriapenelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara meliputi data usia, usiakehamilan, paritas, pajanan rokok, pendapatan rumah tangga, pendidikan maternal,serta asupan protein, besi, tembaga dan seng dengan metode Food FrequencyQuestionnaire (FFQ) semikuantitatif. Pengukuran antropometri untuk menilaistatus gizi dan pemeriksaan laboratorium yang meliputi konsentrasi seng serum dantali pusat. Didapatkan rerata usia 27,63 ± 4,96 tahun dan sebagian besar subjekberada dalam kategori pendidikan tinggi dan pendapatan tinggi. Asupan sengmenunjukkan 98,4% subjek memiliki asupan seng kurang dari Angka KecukupanGizi (AKG) Indonesia. Nilai median konsentrasi seng serum maternal 53,70 (28.18-67,61) μg/dL dan 82,5% subyek tergolong dalam kategori adekuat. Nilai mediankonsentrasi seng serum tali pusat adalah sebesar 85,11(57.54 - 154,88) μg/dL, sedangkan 65,1% subjek tergolong dalam kategori tidakadekuat. Didapatkan rasio di antaranya 0,63 dengan korelasi tidak bermakna antarakonsentrasi seng serum maternal dengan tali pusat (r=0,04, p=0,78). ABSTRACT Pregnancy is a period of rapid growth and cell differentiation, when both of themother and the fetus are very susceptible to alterations in dietary supply, especiallyof nutrients which are marginal under normal circumstances. Zinc is required forcellular division and differentiation, and is an essential nutrient for normalembryogenesis. Zinc deficiency has been associated with complications ofpregnancy and delivery, as well as growth retardation and congenital abnormalitiesin the fetus. It has been found that zinc levels keep decreasing during pregnancyfrom first trimester to third trimester. The aim of this cross sectional study was tofind the correlation between serum maternal and cordblood zinc level during thirdtrimester. Data collection was conducted during March 2015 to April 2015 on 10selected primary health service in East Jakarta. Subjects were obtained usingconsecutive sampling method. A total of 63 pregnant subjects had met the studycriteria. Data were collected through interviews including age, gestation age, parity,tobacco exposure, household income, maternal education, zinc intake, proteinintake, iron intake, and copper intake. Anthropometry measurements to assess thenutritional status and laboratory examination i.e blood levels of maternal andcordblood zinc. Mean age was 27.63 ± 4.96 years and majority of the subjects werehigh-educated and well-income. Intake of zinc showed 98.4% of the subjects wereless than recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Median of serum maternal zinclevels was 53.95 (27.97 ? 74.93) μg/dL, while 82.5% the of subjects werecategorized as adequate zinc levels. Median of serum cordblood zinc levels was84.92 (56.95 ? 155.86) μg/dL. No significant correlation was found between serummaternal and cordblood zinc (r=0.04, p=0.78) with the ratio between serummaternal and cordblood zinc was 0.63, Pregnancy is a period of rapid growth and cell differentiation, when both of themother and the fetus are very susceptible to alterations in dietary supply, especiallyof nutrients which are marginal under normal circumstances. Zinc is required forcellular division and differentiation, and is an essential nutrient for normalembryogenesis. Zinc deficiency has been associated with complications ofpregnancy and delivery, as well as growth retardation and congenital abnormalitiesin the fetus. It has been found that zinc levels keep decreasing during pregnancyfrom first trimester to third trimester. The aim of this cross sectional study was tofind the correlation between serum maternal and cordblood zinc level during thirdtrimester. Data collection was conducted during March 2015 to April 2015 on 10selected primary health service in East Jakarta. Subjects were obtained usingconsecutive sampling method. A total of 63 pregnant subjects had met the studycriteria. Data were collected through interviews including age, gestation age, parity,tobacco exposure, household income, maternal education, zinc intake, proteinintake, iron intake, and copper intake. Anthropometry measurements to assess thenutritional status and laboratory examination i.e blood levels of maternal andcordblood zinc. Mean age was 27.63 ± 4.96 years and majority of the subjects werehigh-educated and well-income. Intake of zinc showed 98.4% of the subjects wereless than recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Median of serum maternal zinclevels was 53.95 (27.97 – 74.93) μg/dL, while 82.5% the of subjects werecategorized as adequate zinc levels. Median of serum cordblood zinc levels was84.92 (56.95 – 155.86) μg/dL. No significant correlation was found between serummaternal and cordblood zinc (r=0.04, p=0.78) with the ratio between serummaternal and cordblood zinc was 0.63] |