[ABSTRAK Perkembangan ekonomi politik di kawasan Asia Pasifik yang semakindinamis berdampak pada lahirnya beberapa institusi ekonomi regional baru,termasuk salah satu yang menarik perhatian adalah Trans Pacific Partnership.Sebagai instutusi yang disponsori oleh AS, TPP diproyeksikan sebagai high levelFTA yang tidak sekedar mencakup kesepakatan terkait perdagangan dan investasinamun juga isu-isu lain yang lebih kompleks seperti perlindungan hak cipta (IPR),perlindungan hak buruh, kompetisi terkait Badan Usaha Milik Negara, danbeberapa isu-isu lain dengan standard yang cukup tinggi. Dengan persyaratanseperti ini, maka menjadi menarik ketika Vietnam memutuskan untuk bergabungke dalamnya. Setidaknya ada dua faktor yang membuat keanggotaan Vietnamdalam TPP menjadi menarik untuk dianalisa lebih lanjut, yang pertama adalahkedekatan antar Vietnam dengan Tiongkok yang selama ini terbangun, sertakemampuan Vietnam sebagai negara berkembang dalam memenuhi syarat-suarattinggi yang sedang dirundingkan oleh TPP.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor utama penyebabbergabungnya Vietnam ke dalam TPP. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakanmetode kalitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan wawancarabaik langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada beberapa pihak yang terkait dengankeanggotaan Vietnam dalam TPP. ABSTRACT The development of Asia Pacific's political economy which has impactedon the birth of several new institutions, including Trans Pacific Partnership. Asinstitution which sponsored mainly by the United States, TPP is projected as highlevel FTA since it covers not only common issues like trade and investment, butalso other issues such as Intellectual Property Right, labor right protection,competition related to State Owned Enterprise, and other other high level issues.Based on these facts, it is interesting when Vietnam finally decide to join TPP.There are at least two factors which made Vietnam membership in TPP isinteresting to be analyzed, first is about its close relation with China, and secondis Vietnam's ability in achieving the high standard regulations set by TPP.This research aims to find out main factors which cause Vietnam to joinTPP. This research uses qualitative method and literature study as well as direct orindirect interview in collecting data process, The development of Asia Pacific’s political economy which has impactedon the birth of several new institutions, including Trans Pacific Partnership. Asinstitution which sponsored mainly by the United States, TPP is projected as highlevel FTA since it covers not only common issues like trade and investment, butalso other issues such as Intellectual Property Right, labor right protection,competition related to State Owned Enterprise, and other other high level issues.Based on these facts, it is interesting when Vietnam finally decide to join TPP.There are at least two factors which made Vietnam membership in TPP isinteresting to be analyzed, first is about its close relation with China, and secondis Vietnam’s ability in achieving the high standard regulations set by TPP.This research aims to find out main factors which cause Vietnam to joinTPP. This research uses qualitative method and literature study as well as direct orindirect interview in collecting data process] |