[ABSTRAK Dewasa ini, marak kita temui istilah lovers dan haters. Istilah itu munculakibat adanya hubungan antara merek dan konsumen. Hubungan atau relasi yangkuat di antara konsumen dan merek berkembang menjadi cinta pada merek.Penelitian mengenai kecintaan pada merek mulai berkembang, dari antesedenhingga outcomes-nya. Penelitian ini menjelaskan adanya pengaruh dari relasi merekkonsumen terhadap intensi pembelian ulang dan buah bibir dalam kategori produkutilitarian (smartphone) dan hedonis (softdrink).Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan analisis structural equationmodeling atau SEM dengan piranti lunak AMOS 22. Kuesioner disebar pada 213responden dari kategori produk smartphone dan 220 responden dari kategoriproduk softdrink. Hasil dari penelitian terdapat perbedaan antara relasi merekdengan outcomes-nya pada dua kategori produk yang diuji. Pada kategori produksmartphone, cinta pada merek tidak mempengaruhi intensi pembelian ulang, tetapimempengaruhi penyebaran buah bibir positif oleh konsumen terhadap produk.Sedangkan, pada kategori produk soft drink, preferensi merek tidak mempengaruhiintensi pembelian ulang, dan konsumen yang memiliki intensi pembelian ulangtidak mempengaruhi terciptanya buah bibir suatu merek oleh konsumen. ABSTRACT Today, we have come across the term lovers and haters. The term thatemerged as a result of the relationship between brands and consumers. Strongrelationship between consumer and brand is growing into a term called brand love.Therefore, research on brand love began from its antecedents to outcomes. In thisresearch describes the influence of consumer brand relation to the repurchaseintention and positive word-of-mouth in the category of utilitarian products(smartphones) and hedonic (soft drinks).In this research, the authors used structural equation modeling analysis orSEM with AMOS 22. The questionnaire was distributed to 213 respondents fromsmartphone product category and 220 respondents from soft drink product category.As the results of the study, there is a significance difference between brandrelationship with its outcomes on two product categories tested. Brand love did notaffect repurchase intention, but positively affect word-of-mouth on smartphoneproduct category. Meanwhile, the result of soft drink product category, brandpreference does not affect repurchase intentions, and consumers who wants torepurchase the product does not intend to spread word-of-mouth about the product, Today, we have come across the term “lovers and haters”. The term thatemerged as a result of the relationship between brands and consumers. Strongrelationship between consumer and brand is growing into a term called brand love.Therefore, research on brand love began from its antecedents to outcomes. In thisresearch describes the influence of consumer brand relation to the repurchaseintention and positive word-of-mouth in the category of utilitarian products(smartphones) and hedonic (soft drinks).In this research, the authors used structural equation modeling analysis orSEM with AMOS 22. The questionnaire was distributed to 213 respondents fromsmartphone product category and 220 respondents from soft drink product category.As the results of the study, there is a significance difference between brandrelationship with its outcomes on two product categories tested. Brand love did notaffect repurchase intention, but positively affect word-of-mouth on smartphoneproduct category. Meanwhile, the result of soft drink product category, brandpreference does not affect repurchase intentions, and consumers who wants torepurchase the product does not intend to spread word-of-mouth about the product] |