[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang Analisis penyelengaraan manajemen sekuriti di PT.Kawasan Industrial Eastate Cilegon (KIEC), dengan luas lahan KIEC 625 hektardan terdiri dari Perusahaan nasional dan Multinasional. PT. KIEC sebagai pihakpengelola Kawasan Industri dikota Cilegon, yang mana untuk penyelengaraanKeamanan dan Pengamanan mengunakan tenaga outsourcing yang dipercayakankepada PT CCP, PT SCURINDO dan PT KORSERA sebagai jasa pengamananuntuk kawasan Dalam melindungi aset PT. KIEC dan keamanan, kenyamanan danketertiban bagi seluruh Penguna lahan industri. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukandengan metode pengamatan dilapangan didukung dengan metode wawancara,observasi dan Penelaahan beberapa dokumen yang mendukung untuk menganalisamanajemen sekuriti di PT. KIEC. Batasan tesis ini fokus pada proses manajemensekuriti dan upaya proses pengamanan dan pengawasan yang dilakukan olehsekuriti dari tenaga outsourcing yang dipercayakan kepada PT CCP, PTSCURINDO dan PT KORSERA. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metodeKualitatif Deskriptif dalam menentukan hasil penelitian yang diamati. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan jumlah anggota sekuriti yang sangatterbatas untuk mengamankan dan mengawasi luas lahan 625 Hektar di PT. KIECyang membuat kegiatan pengamanan lahan PT. KIEC kurang Maksimal, selain itusarana dan prasarana yang tidak memadai menjadikan suatu kendala yang palingutama dalam kegiatan pengamanan di kawasan PT. KIEC. Untuk itu diharapkanPT. KIEC untuk menambah tenaga pengamanan yang ada dan melengkapi saranadan Prasarana untuk menunjang semua kegiatan anggota dilapangan. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the analysis of the organization of security management atPT. Eastate Cilegon Industrial Region (KIEC), with a land area of 625 hectaresand consists KIEC of national and multinational Company. PT. KIEC as theIndustrial Zone of the city of Cilegon, which for Organizing Safety and Securityusing outsourced personnel entrusted to PT CCP, PT SCURINDO and PTKORSERA as security services to the region in protecting the assets of PT. KIECand safety, comfort and order for all Users of industrial land. In this study wasconducted using the field observation supported by interviews, observation andexamination of several documents that support for analyzing security managementat PT. KIEC. Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of securitymanagement and security processes and supervision efforts undertaken by thesecurity of outsourced personnel entrusted to PT CCP, PT SCURINDO and PTKORSERA. In this research using descriptive qualitative method in determiningthe results of the study were observed. The results showed that the number ofmembers is very limited security to secure and supervise the land area of 625hectares in PT. KIEC that make security activities of land PT. KIEC lessMaximum, besides infrastructure is inadequate to make a most important obstaclein securing activities in the area of PT. KIEC. For it is expected to PT. KIEC tosupplement existing security personnel and complementary facilities andinfrastructure to support all the activities of members of the field., This thesis discusses the analysis of the organization of security management atPT. Eastate Cilegon Industrial Region (KIEC), with a land area of 625 hectaresand consists KIEC of national and multinational Company. PT. KIEC as theIndustrial Zone of the city of Cilegon, which for Organizing Safety and Securityusing outsourced personnel entrusted to PT CCP, PT SCURINDO and PTKORSERA as security services to the region in protecting the assets of PT. KIECand safety, comfort and order for all Users of industrial land. In this study wasconducted using the field observation supported by interviews, observation andexamination of several documents that support for analyzing security managementat PT. KIEC. Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of securitymanagement and security processes and supervision efforts undertaken by thesecurity of outsourced personnel entrusted to PT CCP, PT SCURINDO and PTKORSERA. In this research using descriptive qualitative method in determiningthe results of the study were observed. The results showed that the number ofmembers is very limited security to secure and supervise the land area of 625hectares in PT. KIEC that make security activities of land PT. KIEC lessMaximum, besides infrastructure is inadequate to make a most important obstaclein securing activities in the area of PT. KIEC. For it is expected to PT. KIEC tosupplement existing security personnel and complementary facilities andinfrastructure to support all the activities of members of the field.] |