[ABSTRAK Peningkatan tren praktik hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja laki-laki di Indonesia tidakdisertai tindakan preventif yang adekuat. Tidak sampai 28% dari mereka yang menggunakankondom secara konsisten. Pada populasi remaja umum di Indonesia, sebanyak 30%-nya tidaktahu bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan dan 40%-nya tidak tahu kondom dapatmencegah infeksi menular seksual (IMS). Studi potong lintang dari analisis SDKI 2012 iniberupaya melihat asosiasi pengetahuan tentang fungsi kondom terhadap penggunaan kondompada remaja laki-laki pelaku hubungan seksual pranikah. Hasilnya, setelah memperhitungkanfaktor demografis, pengetahuan kespro, dan perilaku lainnya, penggunaan kondom lebihtinggi pada responden yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang kedua fungsi kondom (PR 2,38;95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85) dibandingkan responden yang hanya tahu salah satu fungsi atau tidaktahu sama sekali. ABSTRACT The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is notaccompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried maleadolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do notknow that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condomscan help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study usingIDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condomfunctions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductivehealth, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher inrespondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know eitherfunction or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85).;The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is notaccompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried maleadolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do notknow that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condomscan help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study usingIDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condomfunctions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductivehealth, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher inrespondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know eitherfunction or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85)., The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is notaccompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried maleadolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do notknow that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condomscan help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study usingIDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condomfunctions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductivehealth, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher inrespondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know eitherfunction or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 – 3,85).] |