[ABSTRAK Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Pusat Promosi Kesehatan adalah sistempelaporan kegiatan organisasi kemasyarakatan yang ada saat ini masih manual,laporan hasil pelaksanaan rincian kegiatan disampaikan setiap akhir termin,prosedur penyampaian laporan melalui tim pemeriksa dan pemerima barang, sertamonitoring dan evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara kunjungan lapangan pada terminketiga (akhir). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi kegiatanorganisasi kemasyarakatan berbasis web di Pusat Promosi Kesehatan KementerianKesehatan Republik Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah riset operasional,yaitu melalui serangkaian proses ilmiah untuk mengidentifikasi masalah danmencari solusi terhadap masalah yang ditemukan pada sistem. Sedangkanpemecahan masalah menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem prototyping.Sistem yang dikembangkan ini dapat menghasilkan berbagai macam laporandalam bentuk grafik, narasi, serta tabel yang dapat digunakan untuk monitoringdan evaluasi serta membantu proses perencanaan kegiatan organisasikemasyarakatan. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu dibuat kebijakan tentangpengoperasian sistem informasi ini kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalampelaksanaan kegiatan; perlu mereviu prosedur pelaporan kegiatan organisasikemasyarakatan; sistem masih berupa prototype yang dikembangkanmenggunakan data kegiatan pembinaan PHBS; kebutuhan diluar sistem aplikasiseperti spesifikasi sistem, perangkat lunak sistem, sumber daya manusia sertabrainware sumber daya manusia perlu juga diperhatikan; serta pemerintah perlumenyediakan teknologi internet agar masyarakat dapat dengan mudah dan murahmengakses sistem informasi ini sebagai salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawabanorganisasi kemasyarakatan kepada masyarakat.;The problem occurred at the Health Promotion Center is still manuallyCommunity Agencies reporting system, the implementation of details activitiesreport delivered each end of the term, the procedure for submission of reportssubmitted by the inspection and consignee team, monitoring and evaluation doneon the third installment (final) through work visit. This research aims to designweb based information systems for community agencies at Health PromotionCenter of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. This research use anoperational research design, through a series of scientific process to identifyproblems and seek solutions found in the system. The problem solving based onprototyping system development. This system can produce various kinds ofreports such as graphics, narration, and tables that can be use for monitoring andevaluation as well as assist in the planning of activities of community agencies.Results of this research suggest the need of policy regarding operation of theseinformation systems to the parties involved in the implementation activities; needto review the activities of community agencies reporting procedures; the system isstill as prototype that was developed using the PHBS's activities data;requirements beyond of application systems such as system specifications, systemsoftware, human resources and human resources brainware should also be noted;also the government should to provide Internet technology access so peoples caneasily and cheaply to access this information system as a form of communtyagencies responsibility to the public. ABSTRACT The problem occurred at the Health Promotion Center is still manuallyCommunity Agencies reporting system, the implementation of details activitiesreport delivered each end of the term, the procedure for submission of reportssubmitted by the inspection and consignee team, monitoring and evaluation doneon the third installment (final) through work visit. This research aims to designweb based information systems for community agencies at Health PromotionCenter of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. This research use anoperational research design, through a series of scientific process to identifyproblems and seek solutions found in the system. The problem solving based onprototyping system development. This system can produce various kinds ofreports such as graphics, narration, and tables that can be use for monitoring andevaluation as well as assist in the planning of activities of community agencies.Results of this research suggest the need of policy regarding operation of theseinformation systems to the parties involved in the implementation activities; needto review the activities of community agencies reporting procedures; the system isstill as prototype that was developed using the PHBS's activities data;requirements beyond of application systems such as system specifications, systemsoftware, human resources and human resources brainware should also be noted;also the government should to provide Internet technology access so peoples caneasily and cheaply to access this information system as a form of communtyagencies responsibility to the public., The problem occurred at the Health Promotion Center is still manuallyCommunity Agencies reporting system, the implementation of details activitiesreport delivered each end of the term, the procedure for submission of reportssubmitted by the inspection and consignee team, monitoring and evaluation doneon the third installment (final) through work visit. This research aims to designweb based information systems for community agencies at Health PromotionCenter of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. This research use anoperational research design, through a series of scientific process to identifyproblems and seek solutions found in the system. The problem solving based onprototyping system development. This system can produce various kinds ofreports such as graphics, narration, and tables that can be use for monitoring andevaluation as well as assist in the planning of activities of community agencies.Results of this research suggest the need of policy regarding operation of theseinformation systems to the parties involved in the implementation activities; needto review the activities of community agencies reporting procedures; the system isstill as prototype that was developed using the PHBS's activities data;requirements beyond of application systems such as system specifications, systemsoftware, human resources and human resources brainware should also be noted;also the government should to provide Internet technology access so peoples caneasily and cheaply to access this information system as a form of communtyagencies responsibility to the public.] |