[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang cara para terorisme yang berada di Indonesiaterutama yang berada di kota Solo merekrut para remaja atau orang yang memiliki usiamasih muda untuk masuk dalam jaringannya, faktor-faktor penyebab anak remajadengan mudah direkrut, dan peran negara dalam hal memberantas dan memerangitindak terorisme di Indonesia. Terorisme adalah ancaman dan bahaya nyata bagikehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Menurut Ezzat Fattah (Nitibaskara, 2002) terorismeberasal dari kata teror, dalam bahasa latinnya ?terre? yang artinya menakut nakuti.Remaja direkrut dengan mudah disebabkan adanya ajaran-ajaran sesat dengan dalihsuatu agama tertentu dengan mendapat hadiah surga. Banyak pemikiran-pemikiran sesatdan destruktif, dijadikan dogma bagi diri teroris. Pemikiran pemikiran tadi dibangunmenjadi sebuah landasan untuk mendirikan negara Islam dan mereka tidak mau turutberpartisiapasi dalam membangun bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Indonesia merupakansalah satu negara yang terancam aksi terorisme terbesar di dunia. Aksi terorisme diIndonesia saat ini dilakukan oleh kelompok kelompok kecil yang tidak berhubungansecara struktur satu sama lain. Di negara kita selain faktor pendidikan dan kemiskinanjuga menjadi penyebab dengan mudahnya remaja Indonesia direkrutnya. Sebab itudalam hal memberantas dan memerangi tindak terorisme di Indonesia diperlukan sinergidan kerjasama dari semua pihak karena kejahatan ini berdasarkan idelogi maka perludiketahui dari mana ideologi tersebut berasal dan harus segera dinetralisir denganpemahaman yang benar bagi seluruh remaja-remaja di Indonesia. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses how the terrorism that are in Indonesia, especially in thecity of Solo recruiting young people or people who have a young age to enter thenetwork, the factors that cause teenagers to easily recruited, and the role of the state interms of combat and combat acts of terrorism in Indonesia. Terrorism is a threat and areal danger to the lives of people across the world. According to Ezzat Fattah (Nitibaskara, 2002) comes from the terror of terrorism, in Latin 'terre' which means toscare scare. Actually, the word ' terre ' is used to determine a way to organize, and theword ' terrorism ' is used to describe a systematic use of terror , especially with theaction set to surrender. Teens were recruited with ease due to the false teachings underthe pretext of a particular religion to receive the gift of heaven . Many thoughtsmisguided and destructive, self- made dogma for terrorists. Suicide bombings, jihad,anti participation, the values of their minds astray. Thought provoking was built into afoundation to establish an Islamic state and they do not want to participateberpartisiapasi in building the nation and state of Indonesia.Indonesia is one country that is threatened by acts of terrorism in the world. Acts ofterrorism in Indonesia is carried out by small groups that are structurally unrelated toone another . In our country factors other than education and poverty is also a causewith ease teen Indonesia recruits. Therefore, in terms of combat and combat acts ofterrorism in Indonesia is required synergy and cooperation of all parties for this crime isbased on ideology it is necessary to know where the ideology comes from and must beneutralized with a true understanding of all teenagers in Indonesia., This thesis discusses how the terrorism that are in Indonesia , especially in thecity of Solo recruiting young people or people who have a young age to enter thenetwork , the factors that cause teenagers to easily recruited , and the role of the state interms of combat and combat acts of terrorism in Indonesia . Terrorism is a threat and areal danger to the lives of people across the world . According to Ezzat Fattah (Nitibaskara , 2002) comes from the terror of terrorism , in Latin ' terre ' which means toscare scare. Actually, the word ' terre ' is used to determine a way to organize , and theword ' terrorism ' is used to describe a systematic use of terror , especially with theaction set to surrender. Teens were recruited with ease due to the false teachings underthe pretext of a particular religion to receive the gift of heaven . Many thoughtsmisguided and destructive , self- made dogma for terrorists . Suicide bombings , jihad ,anti participation , the values of their minds astray . Thought provoking was built into afoundation to establish an Islamic state and they do not want to participateberpartisiapasi in building the nation and state of Indonesia.Indonesia is one country that is threatened by acts of terrorism in the world. Acts ofterrorism in Indonesia is carried out by small groups that are structurally unrelated toone another . In our country factors other than education and poverty is also a causewith ease teen Indonesia recruits . Therefore, in terms of combat and combat acts ofterrorism in Indonesia is required synergy and cooperation of all parties for this crime isbased on ideology it is necessary to know where the ideology comes from and must beneutralized with a true understanding of all teenagers in Indonesia.] |