[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang peran pelaksanaan manajemensekuriti fisik di PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field ? Bekasi. Penelitian inidilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersumber dari data primer dansekunder dengan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi,wawancara dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen sekuriti fisikyang dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field adalah denganmenggunakan tenaga pengamanan yang berasal dari perusahaan jasa outsourcing PTSatria Mocoginta. Para tenaga pengamanan tersebut pada umumnya merupakanwarga masyarakat sekitar. Namun demikian dalam prakteknya, pelaksanaanmanajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan oleh para tenaga pengamanan tersebutternyata menjadikan sebagai suatu gangguan keamanan, karena mereka melakukankerja sambilan dengan cara memanfaatkan wewenang yang dimilikinya yaknidengan cara meminta sejumlah uang kepada para kontraktor yang melakukanpemeliharaan dan perawatan terhadap genset dan pompa di setiap cluster milik PTPertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field. Bahkan seringkali mereka membawa pipa-pipabekas maupun baru milik para kontraktor ketika dilakukan pemeliharaan danpergantian pipa.Untuk mencegah agar tidak terjadi lagi gangguan keamanan di kawasan PTPertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field terutama gangguan keamanan dalam suatucluster, maka beberapa upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak PT Pertamina EP Asset 3Tambun Field adalah: (1) Membuat klasusul perjanjian yang baru dengan parakontraktor dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan Polsek Babelan untuk menempatkanbeberapa anggota Bhabinkamtibmas di sekitar kawasan tersebut; (2) Mengevaluasimodel penyeleng-garaan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang saat ini dilakukan; (3)Berkoordinasi dengan pihak Polsek Babelan agar kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihanterhadap Satpam Garda Pratama yang telah berhasil dilaksanakan oleh PolsekBabelan, rutin setiap tahun dilakukan; dan (4) Meningkatkan program CSR yangsaat ini telah diberikan terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical securitymanagement implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary andsecondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview anddocumentation study.The results showed that the implementation of physical security managementconducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comesfrom outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel aregenerally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, theimplementation of physical security management performed by the securitypersonnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in amanner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carryout the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PTPertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and newcontractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. Theimplementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security managementactivities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and TrainingSecurity guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education andtraining of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniformscomplete with boots and other equipment.To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PTPertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, thensome of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with thepolice Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guardGarda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to thesurrounding environment., This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical securitymanagement implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary andsecondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview anddocumentation study.The results showed that the implementation of physical security managementconducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comesfrom outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel aregenerally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, theimplementation of physical security management performed by the securitypersonnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in amanner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carryout the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PTPertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and newcontractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. Theimplementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security managementactivities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and TrainingSecurity guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education andtraining of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniformscomplete with boots and other equipment.To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PTPertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, thensome of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with thepolice Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guardGarda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to thesurrounding environment.] |