[ABSTRAK Tantangan bagi PT. Trakindo Utama pada saat ini adalah bagaimana memastikanbahwa barang-barang direct memiliki supply management yang dapat diandalkan.Terutama dalam pengadaan barang-barang direct yang berkualitas dan dengantotal biaya perolehan yang minimal. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidangpenjualan (dealership), kualitas barang dituntut untuk selalu terjaga dengan baikdan juga biaya perolehan barang hendaknya minimal agar PT. Trakindomendapatkan keleluasaan dalam pengambilan marjin. Pada saat ini gejala yangditemukan adalah adanya keluhan dari user (enjinir) maupun pelanggan yangmemesan barang direct, yang menyatakan bahwa barang tersebut sering terdapatdefect (cacat) ataupun spesifikasi yang dipesan tidak sesuai dengan yang diminta.Jumlah retur juga semakin meningkat atas barang-barang direct. Berdasarkanstudi literatur dan jurnal, salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas barang danmenurunkan total biaya perolehan adalah dengan membina buyer-supplierrelationship. Hal ini sesuai dengan karakterisik perusahaan dealership yaitu dapatberusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas dengan cara meningkatkan aspek diluar sisiproduksi fisik barang tersebut seperti dari sisi relasi dengan pemasoknya. Olehsebab itu, akan diteliti lebih lanjut pengaruh antara buyer-supplier relationshipdengan kualitas dan total biaya perolehan barang demi meningkatkan supplymanagement yang baik bagi PT. Trakindo Utama. Penelitian ini menggunakanmetode deskriptif, dengan pengolahan data menggunakan regresi linear sertasecara kualitatif dengan melakukan interview kepada pihak-pihak terkaitpenelitian ini. ABSTRACT Challenge for PT. Trakindo Utama nowadays is about how to ensure direct itemhave reliable supply management. Especially in procurement of direct goodswhich require high quality and low total cost of ownership. As a company that rundealership type of business, quality of goods is expected to be well maintained allthe time and also the total cost of ownership of the goods should be minimized inorder to get the opportunity to increase the margin. Currently, the symptom thatoccured is there is complaint from the users (engineer)/ customer because ofdefect or incorrect specification which does not comply with the intial order.Number of return to vendor is increasing also. Based on literature study andjournal, one of the solution to improve the quality and decreasing the total cost ofownership is via developing the buyer-supplier relationship. Therefore, thisresearch will continue to check whether there is influence of buyer-suppplierrelationship in quality and total cost in order to improve supply management inPT. Trakindo Utama. This research is using descriptive method and dataprocessing using linear regression. Interview is performed to confirm the result oflinear regression to the parties that related to this research, Challenge for PT. Trakindo Utama nowadays is about how to ensure direct itemhave reliable supply management. Especially in procurement of direct goodswhich require high quality and low total cost of ownership. As a company that rundealership type of business, quality of goods is expected to be well maintained allthe time and also the total cost of ownership of the goods should be minimized inorder to get the opportunity to increase the margin. Currently, the symptom thatoccured is there is complaint from the users (engineer)/ customer because ofdefect or incorrect specification which does not comply with the intial order.Number of return to vendor is increasing also. Based on literature study andjournal, one of the solution to improve the quality and decreasing the total cost ofownership is via developing the buyer-supplier relationship. Therefore, thisresearch will continue to check whether there is influence of buyer-suppplierrelationship in quality and total cost in order to improve supply management inPT. Trakindo Utama. This research is using descriptive method and dataprocessing using linear regression. Interview is performed to confirm the result oflinear regression to the parties that related to this research] |