[Particulate Matter (PM) terutama partikel <2,5 μg/m3 atau PM2.5, adalahkomponen utama yang terkandung dalam asap dari bahan bakar biomassa. Efekyang terkait dengan paparan jangka panjang PM2,5 meliputi peningkatan gejalapernapasan bagian bawah, penyakit paru obstruktif kronik dan penurunan fungsiparu. Salah satu pengguna bahan bakar biomassa yang cukup tinggi di SumateraBarat adalah usaha rumah makan, tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis asosiasifaktor lingkungan dengan konsentrasi PM2,5 pada waktu masak di dapur rumahmakan Kota Solok dan menganalisis konsentrasi PM2,5 pada waktu masak denganfungsi paru pekerja dapur rumah makan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dekriptifanalitik dengan menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional, dengan jumlah sampeladalah 71 orang (total sampling). Analisis multivariat hubungan faktor lingkungandengan PM2,5 pada waktu masak didapatkan hubungan signifikan ventilasi OR:5,655 (95% CI: 0,780 ? 40,994) dan lama waktu masak OR: 12,013, (CI: 1,113 ?129,714). Analisis multivariat hubungan PM2,5 pada waktu masak dengangangguan fungsi paru, yaitu PM2,5 OR: 3,60 (CI: 95%, 0,921 ? 14,072), UmurOR: 1,443, (CI 95%, 0,380 ? 5,477), dan masa kerja OR: 13,854, (95% CI: 3,283? 58,388). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara faktor lingkungan dengankonsentrasi PM2,5 pada waktu masak yaitu variabel lama masak dan ventilasi.Sedangkan untuk konsentrasi PM2,5 pada waktu masak ada hubungan yangbermakna dengan gangguan fungsi paru pekerja dapur dengan dikontrol olehumur dan masa kerja;Particulate Matter (PM), particularly inhalable particulate ( <2,5 μm), isthe main components in biomass emission. Long term exopusre of PM2,5 hadbeen proved to increase lower respiratory disorder, chronic obtructive pulmonarydisease (COPD), and decrease lung function. Padang Restaurant is one of themain user of biomass fuel in west sumatera. The aim of this research was toanalize the association of PM2,5 concentration during cooking and lung functiondisorder among restaurant kitchen workers. This was a cross-sectional study with71 workers were included. There was a significant association between PM2,5and ventilation OR: 5,655 (95% CI: 0,780 ? 40,994) and cooking duration OR:12,013, (CI: 1,113 ? 129,714). Multivariate analysis between PM2,5 and lungfunction disorder showed significant association, PM2,5 OR: 3,60 (CI: 95%, 0,921? 14,072), age OR: 1,443, (CI 95%, 0,380 ? 5,477), and working durationOR: 13,854, (95% CI: 3,283 ? 58,388). There was a significant associationbetween environmental factors (ventilation and cooking duration) and PM2,5concentration during cooking. Meanwhile PM2,5 concentration and lung fuctionshowed significant association after controled by age and working duration., Particulate Matter (PM), particularly inhalable particulate ( <2,5 μm), isthe main components in biomass emission. Long term exopusre of PM2,5 hadbeen proved to increase lower respiratory disorder, chronic obtructive pulmonarydisease (COPD), and decrease lung function. Padang Restaurant is one of themain user of biomass fuel in west sumatera. The aim of this research was toanalize the association of PM2,5 concentration during cooking and lung functiondisorder among restaurant kitchen workers. This was a cross-sectional study with71 workers were included. There was a significant association between PM2,5and ventilation OR: 5,655 (95% CI: 0,780 – 40,994) and cooking duration OR:12,013, (CI: 1,113 – 129,714). Multivariate analysis between PM2,5 and lungfunction disorder showed significant association, PM2,5 OR: 3,60 (CI: 95%, 0,921– 14,072), age OR: 1,443, (CI 95%, 0,380 – 5,477), and working durationOR: 13,854, (95% CI: 3,283 – 58,388). There was a significant associationbetween environmental factors (ventilation and cooking duration) and PM2,5concentration during cooking. Meanwhile PM2,5 concentration and lung fuctionshowed significant association after controled by age and working duration.] |