[ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Gangguan cemas dan depresi merupakan global burden of disease.Prevalensi gangguan cemas dan depresi untuk penduduk Indonesia sebesar 11,6%,di DKI Jakarta sebesar 14,1% dengan angka tertinggi ada di Jakarta Pusat sebesar23,0%. Meskipun angkanya besar, namun banyak orang dengan gangguan cemasdan depresi mengalami kesenjangan pengobatan (treatment gap) yang disebabkanoleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaranmendalam tentang ungkapan stres (idiom of distress) untuk gejala cemas dandepresi juga tentang perilaku mencari pertolongan terkait dengan ungkapan strestersebut pada pasien yang datang berobat ke layanan kesehatan primer.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalampada responden yang telah diketahui mengalami gejala cemas dan depresi melaluipenapisan dengan menggunakan instrumen Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ).Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Gambir dan waktu pelaksanaan pada bulanSeptember 2013 sampai Juli 2014.Hasil: Data penelitian diperoleh dari tiga orang responden yang ketiganyatergolong dalam initial somatizer dengan keluhan somatik multipel. Ungkapanyang diberikan berupa bahasa daerah, bahasa Indonesia, peribahasa, bahasa asing(Belanda, Inggris). Ketiganya juga diketahui memiliki stresor biologis, psikologis,sosial-ekonomi, dan agama/ budaya. Seluruh responden memilih untuk memintapertolongan ke fasilitas kesehatan, namun tidak pernah mengungkapkan keluhanterkait perasaannya dan tenaga kesehatan tidak pernah menanyakan.Pembahasan: Keluhan somatik multipel mungkin merupakan suatu bentukungkapan stres terkait gejala cemas dan depresi yang lebih dapat diterima secarasosial. Ungkapan stres ini juga dipengaruhi oleh bahasa atau kebudayaanseseorang. Pola perilaku mencari dipengaruhi keluhan fisiknya sehingga mencaripertolongan medis dan tidak pernah mengakses ke layanan kesehatan jiwa. ABSTRACT Introduction: Anxiety and depression disorders are the global burden of disease.The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders of Indonesia's population is11.6%. In Jakarta it is 14.1% and the highest rate in Central Jakarta is amounted to23.0%. Although it is high prevalence, many people with anxiety and depressiondisorders have treatment gap caused by various factors. This study aims to gain adeeper understanding of the idiom of distress for anxiety and depression?ssymptom, also for help-seeking behavior related to the idiom of distress onpatients who come for a treatment to primary health care.Method: This study is a qualitative with in-depth interviews in respondents whohave been known to have symptoms of anxiety and depression through ascreening using the instruments of Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). Thestudy was conducted at the Gambir Primary Health Care from September 2013until July 2014.Result: The data was obtained from three respondents who were classified in theinitial somatizer with multiple somatic complaints. The phrase is given in theform of the local language, Indonesian, proverbs, and foreign languages (Dutch,English). All three respondents are known to have biological stressors,psychological, socio-economic, and religious/ cultural. All respondents chose toask for help at a health facility, but never revealed their feelings and healthpersonnel never asked about their feelings.Discussion: Multiple somatic complaints may constitute the idiom of distressrelated to the symptoms of anxiety and depression that is socially moreacceptable. The idiom of distress is also influenced by the personal language orthe culture. The help-seeking behavior is influenced by the physical complaints toseek medical help and not to have an access to the mental health services., Introduction: Anxiety and depression disorders are the global burden of disease.The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders of Indonesia's population is11.6%. In Jakarta it is 14.1% and the highest rate in Central Jakarta is amounted to23.0%. Although it is high prevalence, many people with anxiety and depressiondisorders have treatment gap caused by various factors. This study aims to gain adeeper understanding of the idiom of distress for anxiety and depression’ssymptom, also for help-seeking behavior related to the idiom of distress onpatients who come for a treatment to primary health care.Method: This study is a qualitative with in-depth interviews in respondents whohave been known to have symptoms of anxiety and depression through ascreening using the instruments of Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). Thestudy was conducted at the Gambir Primary Health Care from September 2013until July 2014.Result: The data was obtained from three respondents who were classified in theinitial somatizer with multiple somatic complaints. The phrase is given in theform of the local language, Indonesian, proverbs, and foreign languages (Dutch,English). All three respondents are known to have biological stressors,psychological, socio-economic, and religious/ cultural. All respondents chose toask for help at a health facility, but never revealed their feelings and healthpersonnel never asked about their feelings.Discussion: Multiple somatic complaints may constitute the idiom of distressrelated to the symptoms of anxiety and depression that is socially moreacceptable. The idiom of distress is also influenced by the personal language orthe culture. The help-seeking behavior is influenced by the physical complaints toseek medical help and not to have an access to the mental health services.] |