[ABSTRAK Industri perawatan pesawat terbang sedang berada pada momentum yangsangat penting untuk digarap. Prospek dan peluang bisnis industri ini terbuka lebar,contohnya dengan akan diberlakukannya ASEAN open sky. Namun, hal ini jugamemberikan indikasi bahwa persaingan antara AMO akan semakin tajam dan headto-head diantara AMO lintas negara bahkan regional. Untuk menangkap peluangtersebut, AMO harus mampu memahami kustomernya dan memberikan pelayananberkualitas berdasarkan pemahaman tersebut. Perhatian manajemen AMO terhadapPerceived Value dan Service Quality diperlukan, mulai dari penawaran kepadakustomer hingga proses evaluasi oleh kustomer.Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengidentifikasiperceived value dan indikatorindikatorservice quality yang ditawarkan oleh AMO kepada pemegang keputusanhingga ke perwakilan dari kustomer yang merasakan langsung pelayanan yangdiberikan. Dari penelitian terhadap service quality tersebut, teridentifikasi gap lainyang perlu ditambahkan di dalam model service quality klasik. Gap tersebut adalahbahwa pada industri B2B, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi kesenjangan di dalamorganisasi konsumen tersebut, yakni antara pengambil keputusan dengan yanglangsung merasakan proses ataupun hasil dari pelayanan jasa tersebut.Proses untuk mengidentifikasi indikator-indikator apa yang dianggap pentingoleh kustomer cukup sulit. Sebagai bahan masukan untuk perancangan awal sistemservice quality bagi AMO, penelitian ini berusaha menginvestigasi indiktor-indikatoryang memiliki kemungkinan dampak yang signifikan terhadap terjadinya gap padalayanan jasa yang diberikan dan relasinya dengan tingkat kepentingan dimensidimensiservice quality.Satu set kuesioner disusun untuk membentuk manajemen pelayanan kualitasyang solid di dalam tubuh AMO. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari: Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan yang terjadi diantaraorganisasi pembeli. Sekaligus, kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasikesenjangan antara ekspektasi konsumen dengan persepsinya. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan antara persepsimanajemen AMO terhadap ekspektasi konsumen dibandingkandengan apa ekspektasi kustomer sebenarnya. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab terjadinya perbedaanpersepsi antara manajemen AMO dengan ekspektasi kosumen. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah ada formalitas standardpelayanan yang disusun oleh manajemen AMO. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi formalitas standard pelayanandijalankan oleh seluruh karyawan dalam organisasi AMO. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah terjadi kesenjangan antarapelayanan yang diberikan dengan janji yang dikomunikasikan. Kuesioner penunjang lain yang telah disusun oleh penelitisebelumnya, yakni, untuk mengidentifikasi gap yang terjadi padafront-liner, contohnya gap pada employee empowerment.Relationship quality sama pentingnya dengan service quality dalammemberikan dampak terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada industri yang membutuhkantrust. Kuesioner yang dirancang oleh Durvasula et.al dapat dimanfaatkan untukmelengkapi program peningkatan kepuasan konsumen. ABSTRACT Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Businessprospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example,ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it alsoindicates that the competition among the AMO?s will be sharper and AMO?s mightbe faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture theseopportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide qualityservices consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paidattention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to themuntil the evaluation process by them.This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators ofservice quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decisionmaker to the customer?s representatives of who directly evaluated the servicesprovided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of servicequality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makersand who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices.Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers isquite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (aaset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impactedon service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management ofservice quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of: Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, amongteam of decision makers, or between the decision maker and thecustomer?s representatives who directly evaluated the servicesprovided. Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectationsand consumer perceptions. Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptionsagainst consumer expectations, if compared to what customersexpected. Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differencesbetween management and consumer expectations. Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of servicestandards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures areexecuted by employees in AMO organization. Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery andthe promises that has been communicated by AMO. Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed byprevious researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner,for example is the gap of employee empowerment.In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the sameimportant as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationshipquality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improvecustomer satisfaction, Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Businessprospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example,ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it alsoindicates that the competition among the AMO’s will be sharper and AMO’s mightbe faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture theseopportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide qualityservices consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paidattention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to themuntil the evaluation process by them.This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators ofservice quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decisionmaker to the customer’s representatives of who directly evaluated the servicesprovided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of servicequality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makersand who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices.Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers isquite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (aaset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impactedon service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management ofservice quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of: Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, amongteam of decision makers, or between the decision maker and thecustomer’s representatives who directly evaluated the servicesprovided. Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectationsand consumer perceptions. Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptionsagainst consumer expectations, if compared to what customersexpected. Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differencesbetween management and consumer expectations. Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of servicestandards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures areexecuted by employees in AMO organization. Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery andthe promises that has been communicated by AMO. Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed byprevious researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner,for example is the gap of employee empowerment.In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the sameimportant as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationshipquality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improvecustomer satisfaction] |